You're My Mate

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Alexander's POV


The little one in the crib tossed and turned. She couldn't lay still long enough to allow herself to fall asleep.

She was so little, so cute. Absolutely gorgeous.

I leaned over the crib looking at her pale complexion and already dark hair. Her sister next to her looked just like her, but her hair was pure white.

Odd, most babies hair are brown if they are born with hair.

I guess there just special that way.

Heath leaned over the crib looking at Niya.

I was fixated on Andy.

"You two are to guard them. Heath, you'll become Niya's guardian, and Alexander will look after Andvari," Queen Rosita said to us.

My eye's never strayed from Andy.

A feeling grew in the pit of my stomach, and I realized who this little one is suppose to be.

Andy rolled over on to her back. Her eye's fluttered open and looked into mine.

She's my mate, I think to myself.

A smile grew across my face as I look into her eye's. Her red lips pulled up in the corners, mimicking my smile.

"I think she likes you," Rosita said.

"Rosita," I whispered. Her eye's turned to look at me, mine never leaving the crib. "She's my mate."

 **End Memory**

I had to tell the Queen that, it was her daughter after all.

What confused me is she smiled at me, like she knew.

"I could see it in your eye's," she said before leaving the room.

Heath and I had sat there watching over them as they slept.

Now I'm following her as Roderick leads her to the infirmary to see Niya.

It had started in a slight walk until Roderick told her who we were going to see in the infirmary. With no hesitation she took off in a run.

Roderick wasn't fast enough to keep up, so he fell behind. Andy seemed to know the way by muscle memory, but I ran in front of her to lead her there.

We reached the room and se bashed through the door.

"Niya," Andy said running to the bed.

"Andy, it's you. I'd thought I'd never see you again. They told me a group of the Requee took you. They sensed your powers or something like that."

Andy looked confused. On the run I didn't tell her fully about the Requee or herself. Telling her it was too dangerous out in the open.

Niya's memory must have come back all at once. Andy's were coming back in pieces.

"Can you believe this, mother and father gave us to Heath and Alexander to keep us safe. The Requee that night had-."

Andy sat hard on the floor leaning up against the bed. Her eye's misted slightly.

I walked over and sat next to her. Putting my arms around her.

"What is she talking about," Andy whispered.

"Shh, it's okay. Her memories came back first. I'm guessing it's because she's older."

"She's older then me?"

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