A Meeting, the first letter technically

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A Meeting, the first letter technically

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It all began with that willow tree in your backyard.

See, what did I tell you? I knew this one would be better than the previous one.

But, onto my tale.

The first time I saw you was actually by mistake, for I was and still am a good friend of your brother's and that's who I was looking for.

I knocked on the front door several times before I decided to let myself in, I had been over to your home many times before then so I was positive your family would not have minded. But, to my disbelief, there was no one home.

That was, of course, before I realized that there was some noise coming from upstairs. So I decided to investigate, walking up the spiral stairwell as I attempted to not trip over my own two feet. Once I got to the second floor, the noise was louder, a fast noise I realized as I got closer to the source. I crept down the hallway, stepping over a slumbering Henri, your favorite black lab, as I continued on my way down the hallway.

Eventually, I came to the end of the hallway and your bedroom door, which at the time I did not know was your bedroom, was slightly ajar. The music must be coming from this room, I thought, for it was quite loud. Ever so slightly, I pushed the door open wider and saw you, with your fiery red hair and bright blue sapphire eyes, twirling around your room to the record Flight of the Bumble Bee* as it spun around the record player. Your feet were confined in your bright pink pointe shoes as you twirled around the room, jumping single bounds in the air with such poise that I never knew a human being possessed.

It was around this time that you noticed I was watching you.

* released in 1900 by N. Rimsky-Korsakov

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