His Voice

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His Voice

His voice haunted her.

The Last Dragonborn could not get it out of her head. From the moment she foolishly touched the Tree Stone in Miraak's temple, his voice began to play inside her mind.

The chant was carved inside of her. Over and over and over again it repeated. It was maddening.

When the chant was spoken by those under Miraak's control, the Dragonborn had been unsettled. The verses gave some insight into what the First Dragonborn was planning. He wanted Solstheim as his. He wanted everyone on this island to remember and serve him.

After spending hours in Miraak's temple, cleansing it of his followers by killing those that fought and allowing the rest to flee, the atmosphere of the place began to take its toll of the exhausted woman. She could almost hear the chant, though no one was around to speak the verses aloud.

As she left the temple with Frea, the Dragonborn could not resist going back to the All-Maker-Stone. She felt as if something was calling to her. On impulse, she touched the Tree stone.

Instantly, she felt her world go black even though she had not closed her eyes. She realized she could not move. A feeling of helplessness overtook her as she tried to struggle free of whatever magic took hold of her.

But she could not. Something was taking over her thoughts. It was then the Dragonborn heard his voice. It felt as if Miraak was here and speaking directly to her.

Here in my temple

Is this what the men and women working on his temple heard that kept them under his influence? His voice was hypnotic. She understood now how the people of Solstheim had fallen under his control. This was powerful magic.

Here in my shrine

She shuddered as his magic and his voice overpowered her own thoughts.

That you have forgotten

The Dragonborn could feel her body moving but she was not the one in control. It felt as if she were sleepwalking, her body distant from her. Slowly, even that began to fade.

Here do you toil

The woman could no longer feel her body, the heavy armor she wore or the sword she carried in her hand. She did not know what her body was doing. All she could hear and feel was his voice.

That you might remember

A part of her did not want to fight it. A part of her wanted to give in to whatever magic this was. She was tired. Everyone wanted something from her. From the moment she stepped into Skyrim, someone needed her help or someone wanted to kill her. She had spent almost two years fighting, helping and saving. She wanted to rest. It felt like such a good idea to just give up control.

Here you reclaim

A larger part of her did not want to give up. Her mind and body overcame the part that wanted to surrender and the Dragonborn began to fight once more.

What faithless minds have stolen

She struggled, trying to force her body to become hers again. She succeeded. With every bit of willpower she had in her, the Dragonborn broke free of Miraak's spell and opened her eyes. She dropped the hammer she held in her hand, not quite knowing from where she had picked it up.

Quickly she fled the temple. It was not often she ran but she felt an urgent need to this time. A final whisper of Miraak's voice was heard right before she stepped off of the grounds of the temple.

His Voice (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now