[PLEASE READ] TBAHC- Introduction

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Hello reader. (pst hi it's Reyna)

This story is the work of me (-ReynaTDA-), and my friend, Lys (-lysart- ). It's a story we've had in mind for awhile now, and we're excited to be able to share it. It's going to take awhile to actually write, so soon we're gonna get a decent preview up so you can get a pretty good gist of it all.

Little things and rules you need to know:

-The story will try to be updated every Friday. If not, it's because of irl problems and it will updated as soon as we get a chance to. Do not demand updates.

-There might be cursing and slight blood, so if you're sensitive to that stuff, you might not wanna read.

-Please please please if you're rereading, DO NOT SPOIL THE STORY IN THE COMMENTS.

-Don't bash other people in the comments.

-The cover of this book was drawn by Chloe on TheMarauders25, and you can check out the rest of her art along with Carrott's in the book Unique Art Book Title. They're really talented!!

-Illustrations in the book are by Ember-Sama (if she's even willing to get off her lazy butt and do something lmao), but any fanart will be added to the end of the most recent chapter.

-If you have anymore questions or concerns please pm me or Ember on our separate accounts. We don't use this account too often, only for updating or writing, so please try to avoid messaging us on this account!

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