Promiscuous Girl

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Chapter 6

"When do you ever not say that?" I questioned as I knew Polly's favorite line was always "Live a little." And before Alex and I even knew it Polly started leading all 4 of us to the crowded dance floor where other people were dancing and some even making out...

This should be interesting.

. . . . .

Polly grabbed both mine and Alex's hand to head to the dance floor. Looking around everyone was having a good time, bodies against other bodies, large crowds gathering for dance battles, the DJ jumping up and down on his set with his hands to the the side was a couch and a coffee table with a group of guys and a few girls that were crowded around the table that had a bong, a dabber, and a few people that were holding a funnel up in the air while chanting "CHUG! CHUG!" as someone from the other end of the funnel was slightly struggling to quickly drink the beer that ran down the pipe.

Eventually Polly stopped pulling us and stopped and started dancing, she threw her hands in the air and started screaming, but in a 'I'm having a good time' type of way. I mean, yeah I was pretty fucking drunk but I wasn't 'loose' enough to just start dancing in front of other people even if they weren't starring or even paying attention to me. But yet I was smiling and so was Alex...well because Polly wasn't exactly the best dancer, right now she practically looks like a lost octopus that's screaming for no reason. I can tell I wasn't going to be dancing anytime soon and I didn't want Alex to keep waiting any longer as I saw her sway her hips from side to side going with the beat. She danced with Polly for a while and then an idea came to mind.

I walked over to the crowd that was on the side of the dance floor and sat on the couch as if I was born to do it. Most people carried on and didn't acknowledge me which was perfectly fine, the guy beside me spoke up.

"You gonna hit?" he slightly slurred and then laughed to himself as he held a lighter up in his hand.

(Piper's p.o.v)

Piper simply nodded and responded back,

"Pack it up for me." As the guy did as he was told he grabbed the bong and the dabber holding both to see which one Piper wanted...the blonde pointed to the right, the guy simply nodded and proceeded on doing his task. This guy seemed like a professional to Piper since it practically took him 2 seconds to load the bowl and let Piper take a toke. He instructed her to go on the other side of the table, her back facing away from the crowd for more space. Piper nearly tripped when she got up off the couch and used the guy's head, yes his head, for her assistance. She was finally on the other side. She was starting to feel the music in her body more and more. She placed her mouth lightly on the rim of the bong and gave a thumbs up as a signal to the 'couch guy' to light it up. She took a deep breath then inhaled...then inhaled..then inhaled. She cleared the bowl without one tear in her eye and not one cough coming out of her mouth. Everyone around Piper cheered in amazement as she started to exhale the smoke out into the air. She felt a hand approach her lower back and felt a familiar touch. She turned around and that's when the bud hit her system and she smiled big at the sight in front of her.

. . . . .

Alex was still able to hold her liquor as I soon started to begin swaying my hips side to side as she faced Polly's direction dancing with her...but you know not like dancing with her but just joining in on the fun type of dancing. The raven-haired woman was going to face Piper's direction but when she turned to her right she saw that Piper wasn't there. Was she taken away? Did someone drug her with a pill? Is she having sex upstairs right now with some asshole frat guy? The last thought made Alex's fist clench. She somehow felt so protective over Piper and she barely even knows her, in fact she doesn't even know if she's even a lesbian. Well rewind to the last event that happened before they got brought to the dance floor-ok whatever. Alex had to look for her now because for some reason when she's not with Piper she feels slightly lonely. Alex wasn't too familiar about these types of feelings that she is having for Piper, Alex eventually cleared her mind and went about on her own looking for Piper. Well... 'looking' for her didn't take long because all she had to do was take about 2 steps from where she was previously standing and immediately saw Piper's familiar figure. Damn she looks so fucking hot tonight..she always does. Alex thought to herself. She slowly approached the scene as she saw what was happening, actually she was quite shocked...she didn't see Piper as a girl that would even think about doing any sort of drug related thing, but for now Alex was gonna let that slide for tonight and question her about it later. She continued to walk and eventually was right behind Piper; soon she placed her hand on the blonde's lower back while smiling. Alex felt the familiar blonde jerk at the touch but soon relaxed after realizing who it was. Piper turned around with the most beautiful, and very well lit, smile she had on her face. Alex laughed at her for a few seconds and allowed the moment to sink in...

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