Skin Deep

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Beauty might only be skin deep, but damn your gorgeous. You spend every night looking into the mirror and thinking 'why couldn't I have been thinner, or prettier, and bigger breasted' but let me tell you, I don't have a lot to be proud of on the inside or the outside, but it's not changing so why waste my time with it?

You might have small boobs. You might have big boobs. They're just boobs. Simple sacks of organic-milk-carrying-fat, and they're not going away, so embrace them! Push them up a little bit, wear that bra you've always wanted to wear. Who gives a damn what others think, your boobs are great and they're YOURS! NOT HIS OR HERS! YOURS!

Stretch marks are no different than ordinary scars. You've battled, and you won. You came out screaming 'FOR NARNIA!' So who gives a fuck what people think. Your body literally survived stretching, and that's god damn awesome if you ask me. If you think I'm wrong, girlfriend I will send you a picture of mine. They're like tiger stripes up my side. If anyone knows about stretch marks its me. You might think this book is going to be all about inspiration, but let me tell you honey you're in for a ride. This book is about being a potato before you knew how goddamn awesome potatoes are. Grab tissues, candy, organic milkshakes, whatever the hell you want. This is going to take a while...

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