1. Typical Friday Night

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Katelyn Storm

"Your coming to my house and that's final" my best friend Macy whispers to me so are teacher, Mr. Carter doesn't hear us. It wouldn't really matter, he's one of those young, cool teachers. He's only 24 and one of the best teachers ever!

I wasn't going to complain, I couldn't win against my best friend.

"Katelyn, could you come here really quick" Mr. Carter says while motioning for me to come to his desk.

"What's up Mr. C" I said while grabbing the extra Rollie chair from the corner and jumping on it.

"Have you seen your grades lately, your almost failing every class" he said in a very serious tone.

"So, what's the matter with that" I say while spinning around, and trying not to get dizzy.

"You can't play basketball then" I stopped instantly, and looked at him like he was crazy.

"Umm, I'm sorry. I can't play anymore, that's the only way I'm leaving this crappy place."

He kept talking but I zoned out thinking how bad it would be if I couldn't play basketball this year. I already have people wanting me on there high school teams.

After the bell rang I quickly shot up from the chair and grabbed my stuff and headed to my locker to meet up with Macy.

As I was grabbing my Longboard out of my locker I felt a body slam into mine.

"What the hell was that for" I say while turning around to see whoever pushed me into my locker.

"Well good afternoon to you too" I saw Dylan with his skateboard and backpack ready to go.

"Well you don't have to go all MMA on me, I'm already mad that I have to go" I say while skating down the halls not caring if we get yelled at.

It took us about 10 minuet to get there, we had to make a pit stop at Starbucks first.

After Macy, Dylan, and I had finally gotten done with homework that took almost 2 hours. I had asked my parents to let me stay, of course there busy working so they don't care where I am.

"Hey guys, should I get my stuff then come back" I ask while packing up my backpack.

"Yea, want us to come with" Macy says while laying her head on Dylan's leg.

Macy and Dylan are siblings, and they got along that you would think they couldn't be related because what I've heard is that siblings always fight. I will never know that because as far as I know I'm an only child, even if I wasn't my parents wouldn't even tell me. The only thing important to them is work, money, and having to get everything new for me or them.

"Nah, my parents might be home, I may say something's to them while there home" I say while grabbing my basketball and putting on my schools basketball sweatshirt. I grabbed my headphones before I left the house.

After I had left the their house I was dribbling my basketball until I just walked and bounced the basketball.

"Shh, she can't see us so this may be easier that expected" I heard voices that I thought was just Dylan messing around with me, but I couldn't hear very good with my white wireless beats on with my music blaring.

I felt someone grab me I instantly went into my fighting mode.

I kicked the boy/man in the area and turned around and gave him a good kick to the stomach while he went down in pain. I felt someone grab me from behind again, but I took almost all my energy into that last kick and I was already tired so in this case I'm not in the best possible position at the moment.

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