3. The Truth

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Katelyn Storm

After the whole little scene downstairs I headed upstairs, I remembered I saw my phone. I saw they had cracked my phone, if they don't buy me a new one I won't hesitate to pull a trigger at them this time.

Once I found it I typed in my password and it opened I smiled when I saw me and my parents smiling like a real family. I quickly opened my contacts to get away from the picture.

"Hello, Dylan" I say after the 4th ring.

"Kate, where are you. Are you hurt. I've been flipping out" Dylan wasn't the one for swearing.

"I really don't know where I am but ple-" I was cut off when someone slammed the door opened.

I pushed the end button. I cursed under my breath when I saw Taylor standing there with I don't even know what kind of expression.

"Please don't hurt me" I said while walking closer to the wall, I was hoping that he would come closer. Which he did, when he was close enough I slammed my leg into his side. He hunched over a little, giving me the perfect chance to jam my elbow in his back sending him to the ground. After he fell he then yelled for backup p, I knew I couldn't out run all of them. So when I jumped over him I sprinted down the hall to a bedroom, I noticed how one of the boys bed was the one where you couldn't put anything under it.

Lucky I saw a little piece hanging off and ripped it off and crawled under and but the piece back in place.

"Where did she go" I could hear Jase say, I had tried to memorize there names and voices. Cause if I get out, I'll be able to turn them in.

"Check rooms, now" I heard Brent command.

I heard feet shuffling. The door opened, I looked through a little hole and saw Charles walk in. I let out a breath of relief that it wasn't like Taylor's or someone else.

Of course Charles had heard me and smirked while walking closer to the bed. He easily ripped off the bored and grabbed my foot, my initial reaction was to scream. Which wasn't a good idea, because everyone barged into his room at the same time.

"I'll take that" Jase says with his hand out, I slowly grabbed my phone and handed it to him.

"Before you do an-" I was cut of by my phone shattering into a thousand pieces. I wanted to ask him if I could email myself the picture, but he didn't listen.

I could tell I was about to cry soon. I left the room walking past everyone, that is until Brent grabbed my forearm gently. I looked at him, I knew he could see I was about to cry. I yanked my arm out and walked to 'my' room and locked the door.

I went to the bed and grabbed two pillows and blanket and headed to the closet, I went to the way back and put one pillows against the wall and laid down and I turned so my face was in the pillow and started sobbing, hoping nobody would hear me.
I couldn't sleep that night, and I didn't fell like getting out of the closet. I heard that since I did that little stunt yesterday Jase didn't want to risk anything so he went to my house and grabbed all my cloths and duffle bags.

After waking up with a sore back I grabbed my stuff and headed to the bed to put them away, I noticed that on the couch were sweats and a sweatshirt. Just like he had said, I grabbed them and headed to the connected bathroom and I had to gnaw at it. It was beautiful, just like the one I had.

I started the shower and waited till the water was very hot, I saw a radio connected to the wall by the sink in between the mirrors. I turned it on and the first song that started playing was Stitches, I started humming it until I got in the shower. I started singing louder and washed my hair and shaved my legs and armpits and washed my body again.

When I got in the sweats and sweatshirt, I almost fell asleep right there in the bathroom. They were so comfy that I just left my hair the way it was, but made sure to dry it a little and went towards the bed. I climbed in and faced the window, I had thought about jumping out of it. But realized how high up I am. I felt a tear run down my cheek when I realized I lost the last picture of my family, looking happy for once.

More tears were falling. I was almost full on balling when I heard the door jiggle, I remembered that I locked it so I just kept crying. That was until I heard the door open and heard feet coming around the bed. I pretended to be asleep when the got the the side I was facing, they wiped my tears and told me to open my eyes.

I was meet with the forest green ones of Brent.

"I know there are lots of reasons you could be crying right now, but why are you" he asked while studying my face.

I started crying more, he was by my side in an instant. Holding me while I sobbed into his sweatshirt.

He kept saying nice things until I slowly fell into a deep sleep.
When I woke up I saw. Brent watching tv with his ram around me, all I wanted to do was scoot away but his arm being there it was kinda hard to move.

When I bent my ankle the wrong way, a wave of pain went through my body. I but my lip from screaming out in pain.

I recovered a few minutes after. I looked at the screen and saw he was watching, Arrow one of my favorite shows.

"Why am I here" I whispered I barely heard it myself, I was surprised when Brent responded almost instantly.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you, Jase should in this case" all I did was nod.

Brent said he had to go downstairs cause when i was sleeping, one of the boys had shouted for him.

I decided that I should get something to eat, after going down two flights of stairs. I had reached the kitchen which was surprisingly empty.

After finding popcorn and a Mountain Dew, I was just about to go back upstairs until I heard that my favorite basketball team was playing. I sprinted into the living room, surprising everyone and sat on a bean bag next to Jake. Who was, just as intently staring at the tv.

"I thought Jake was the only one who liked this team" I heard some murmur to someone, but I didn't care. I just watched intently.

After lots of shouting, hitting, pops, food, and high fives.my team had won 114 to 98.

After the game, I really was getting bored.

"I'm bored" I say while snuggling into the beanbag with my fuzzy blanket on top of me.

"We can go swimming" I heard Chris say, I knew there house was big. Just not this big.

"Why do you want money from me, your already loaded" I said while mumbling into the bean bag.

"What makes you think we want money" Cameron says while laughing.

I only mumbled 'my parents' and told them I was going to go upstairs.
After about an hour or so, Jase walks in and sits and the end of my bed.

"Katelyn, I have to tell you something" he says with a shaky breath.

"My job, and same with the rest of the guys are assassins. Before you say anything, let me finish. My last mission, me and my partner Devon went to the spot, it should have been easy but it wasn't. We got blindsided, I barely made it out. I needed a new partner fast, I found you. Yes, your young. But we're everything I was looking for in a partner. Now your going to become my partner no matter what, your involved now and there no way getting out of it" he said.

I blinked once.

Then twice.
Then fell to the floor dying of laughter, it was short lived when I felt grab me and I had no other choice to look at him.

"This is nothing to be laughing at, Kate. Your the next assassin in the agency, we'll start training next week when your ankle is better" after him saying that he left right away. I was to frozen to do anything, but fall onto my bed.
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Word count: 1,488

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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