4: Candid Camera

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The producers looked at me curiously, wondering what they should do next. One little makeup artist probably seemed like an easy price to pay compared to a lawsuit.

I'm going to be fired, I thought, realizing it was true. I would be fired with a capitol F! Well, at least I could find work with some celebrity references on my resume, but really, I loved the studio. I got to meet nice people, and crazy people. And in five weeks, the studio is filming a zombie movie. Zombies! Zombies are an especially wicked assignment for makeup artists, which was why I loved The Walking Dead. Of course, I only watched it when I was with Benji because it terrified me, but the makeup was mind blowing. And now, thanks to a diva who was mad at me for a dating a guy she had dumped yesterday, and I wasn't even with him. Life wasn't fair, and Lacy was terrible. Jerry heard the craziness and walked over to the producers. 

"No way," Jerry yelled. "Stephanie is a nice girl. You guys are not going to fire her, or I will walk. And you've already filmed me, so you'll lose a lot of money remaking my scenes."

"Damn straight!" Angie yelled. I glared at her, but she smiled. I noticed her phone was on, filming Lacy's tirade.

"Youtube," Angie whispered. I shook my head but she just smirked. "I'm a journalist, and I was invited here to get a story. Lacy's dramatic meltdown is a story, and I can defend you with proof." I just watched as Angie filmed it all.

"I don't care about you, Jerry Jensen," Lacy yelled. "But if Stephanie freaking Mcnarie isn't gone by tomorrow, I will be. And I am popular and successful; I have a gazillion twitter followers."

"Ah, she's a mathematician," Angie whispered. "No one will hire again after I post this..." I swatted at Angie. When did she become a mean girl? She'd been in the fashion world too long. Or maybe she was just overprotective of me, like I was of her. I'd egged a photographer's car once, but he deserved it for photographing Joel and Angie in the middle of a private fight. There were boundaries, in my opinion. But still, I was a diplomat in my heart. I could fix this, right?

"Maybe she's just having a bad day,' I said. "Maybe, she just needs a friend."

"Good luck with that," Angie said. I rolled my eyes, and took a deep breath. I walked right over, up to Lacy, Jerry, and the producers. I smiled brightly and extended a friendly smile.

"Hi," I said. "I couldn't help but overhear, since this conversation was so loud and...public."

"Stephanie, I can handle this," Jerry said.

"Thanks, but it's my mess," I said, looking at Lacy. "Lacy, clearly I've offended you. Look, I am sorry if I came across as unprofessional and I will work on it in the future. I really think we deserve a fresh start, and I will be respectful of your boundaries and needs. I just want to help you look camera ready."

"And steal my boyfriend," Lacy said, looking at the producers. "Did you see the pictures of them? They were humping each other on the dance floor."

"There is nothing in my contract about who I date," Jerry yelled. 'And you dumped me, publicly. Don't be such a petty person, Lacy."

"There is nothing going on with Jerry and me," I said. "We are friends, and the dance was harmless. In fact, I am going to get back together with my ex, so problem solved." Jerry snorted.

"Our kiss this morning didn't feel friendly," Jerry said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. I opened my mouth, gaping.

"I can explain," I said confidently. Before I went on, I saw Lacy pull her arm back as she swung a fast and furious punch right at my face. I fell back and heard Angie scream. Lacy lunged at me, but producers held her back and I fell on the ground. Was my nose bleeding? No, good, I did not want a broken nose. My face, specifically my eye was feeling tender and I just stayed on the ground. I was sort of hoping I could actually die from embarrassment, but no such luck. I heard whispers and felt Jerry reach out his hand towards me. I stood up, feeling dizzy.

"Really?" I shouted. "I was being nice to you! God, Lacy you are such a Botox bitch!" As soon as the words came out, everyone started laughing and I turned red. I was going to get fired, for sure, but at least I went out with a flare! Jerry whispered something in my ear about having ice in his trailer, and Angie caught up with us.

"I swear to God, Angie, if this gets on Youtube..." I was livid and still messed up. In movies, people got punched and were swinging back seconds later. Me, I was disoriented and crying like a child. Another movie myth busted, I suppose.

"Sorry sweetie," she said. "My boss will kill me if I don't. But you look fantastic, even after she knocked you out. And the Botox joke, that was priceless."

"Thanks Angie," I said, hanging on Jerry's shoulder. "Can you be an actual friend for a moment? Call my brother and tell him to come get us. I want to go home and sleep off the madness." Jerry laughed at us and I looked over at his smile.

He was adorable, and he'd stood up for me. I liked Jerry Jensen, the real life down to earth guy version. But I could go the rest of my life without the celerity drama he brought to the table. As my heart did flip flops, I wondered if my heart and mind would ever agree on something.

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