Chapter 46 Your What !

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Leah's Pov: My eyes squinted opened from the light beaming through the glass window of our room. I rubbed my eye lightly. I didn't remember falling asleep in here. I felt my hand grasp upon my waist. Realizing who hand it was, I flopped my body around facing Nathan's face.

Nathan eyes were still shut. The sound of him breathing softly made me want to cover him in kisses. I place my palm on his face, gently caressing his cheek. The house was quiet. When ever we stayed in the apartments or condo. We could always hear the thumps and sounds of our neighbors from a far. Not anymore.

I sat up in bed, running my fingers through my hair as I thought of the things I had to do today. Uh oh. Today's the day I go with Vena to tell her parents she pregnant. I was glad that I was doing that first before taking my drivers test. But it was scary wondering what Vena's parents were gonna say:

" Chica, are you crazy !"

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Chaz is a dead man !"

" donde Es eso descarado, Chaz !"

"No lo puedo creer vas a tener gemelos!"

I quickly shook the thoughts out my head as I threw the duvet off of me and jumped of the bed.

I made my way into the bathroom. Grabbing my toothbrush out my suite case that Chaz brung over late at night when he picked Vena up from here.

I quickly brushed my teeth and splashed water on my face before damping my face on a white towel. I ran back in the room and jump on top the bed.

" Nathan babe, wake up!" I yelled, shaking his shoulder.

A groan left his mouth as he pulled the duvet over his head. I shook him more and his groan began to form into a laugh.

" okay okay, I'm up." He yelled, pulling the duvet out from over his head. " good morning baby." He smiled.

My head leaned to its side." Did you carry me in here when I fell asleep on the couch?" I asked.
Nathan sat up before placing his hand on my back and leaning in to connect our lips. We pecked and he leaned back, answering my question. " well someone had to." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes. I leaned back, throwing my head down in the center of the bed and looking up at the ceiling. " I would cook but we don't have any food, literally."

Nathan pulled on my leg and I let out a high pitch scream. Nathan wrapped his arms around my body as I hugged my legs and rested my chin on top of my knees. He kissed my forehead then opened his mouth. " then why don't we fixed that." He looked me in my pupils.

" well, I have to go with Vena today to tell her parents that's she's pregnant ." I frowned.

" then how about tomorrow."

" drivers test."

" then how about I go grocery shopping alone."

" nooooo!" I yelled." Not happening."

Nathan let out a laugh."why?"

" how can I expect you to get the right ingredients or brand?" I asked, smirking at him.

" make me a list. " Nathan suggested.

The Sleeping Arangement -jadabada01 (EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now