Childhood Bed

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Currently in the room of my childhood

Sitting on my childhood bed

Starring into space

Thinking of the future 


I am standing at a crossroad

Two things possible

One foreseeable road

One unpredictable path


My gaze goes from one

Then it moves to the other

My gaze is the only thing moving

My body paralized


Voices are in the air

Too many

They have something to say

They want to tell me something


My gaze shifts

No longer looking at the two options 

My head moves

Then my body


Turning around

Looking back

There is no one there

Only voices of advice


Turning back 

My gaze once again at the crossroad

What to choose

Suddenly I feel something

Something stirs on the inside

I rest my hands on my stomach

A sigh

Then a smile


Back on my childhood bed

The smile still there

I lay down

Knowing everything is going to be okay

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