No Turning Back (A Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji Story) Chapter 8

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A/N: If you didn't already figure it out, the picture to the side is of Jesse.

Sebastian’ P.O.V.

I crept slowly out of Mistress’s room, closing the door noiselessly. Her soft breathing comforted me in a strange protective way, and I smiled to myself.


I looked to the side to see the young raven haired girl, giving me an icy glare through her gray eyes. I blinked, surprised by her addressing me by my true nature. Did Mistress tell her?

“Pardon me?” I said calmly.

Her stature didn’t change in the least, bold in her demeanors.

“Don’t ‘pardon me’, you vermin. I don’t know what Luce was thinking, summoning a Demon…” she snapped.

I cocked my head and simply grinned. This human may be able to sense my true nature, but that doesn’t mean she can face me physically. Its obvious Mistress hadn’t told her, but she figured it out on her own.

“Well, aren’t I puzzled? A child as young as you having such a strong Sixth Sense to be able to see me even in this form; completely unheard of.” I mused.

Revealing myself isn’t the best move, but I feel no such threat from this girl. If she had already known what I am and the contract the Mistress and I shared, she would have done something about it already. She is powerful as young as she is, but she has no power over me.

She grinned, puzzling me further.

“You’re in for a hell of a lot more surprises, Demon. Watch your back. And you better take care of Luce, or I’ll have to break that bond you two have.” She spat, spinning on her heels and walking down the corridor.

Narrowing my eyes, I continued forward, thinking over the human’s threat. She has obviously no idea what I am capable of… or does she?

“Sebastian, where is Lucy?” Miss Nicole asked as I served her vegetables.

She and Vicky sat side by side at the dining room table I had set with the maids. I had briefly been introduced to the staff, but hardly paid much attention.

“She is resting in her room, Miss.” I answered calmly.

“Oh yeah, she must still be pretty worn out… poor thing. Vicky, how long does your break last?”

Vicky briefly paused from eating her meal and thought for a moment.

“I think I gotta go back to school on Monday, Mom.” She mumbled.

I mentally took this in, setting the bowl of steamed vegetables on the cherry wood rectangular table. The dining room was a good sized room, with navy blue walls and wood tiled flooring. The table held about eight people with three chairs on both sides and one on each end.

“Sebastian, since you are her care taker; when do you think it’d be appropriate for her to go back to school?” Her voice held authority, but with a level of general respect.

“Her wounds are healing quite nicely, but her arm will remain broken for some time. She has no longer any use of her one eye, making it considerably challenging for her to navigate around. I’d give her another month or so, Miss.” I said calmly.

The cuts and gashes on her torso and legs are healing actually a bit too quickly, puzzling me further. It had been obvious from the beginning that she is no average human, but I never even assumed she was of anything supernatural…

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