Automaton Girl

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There is a girl.

A young, beautiful girl.

She is shuffling CDs, in a room she has never been in before.

CD after CD, she never loses focus. It is almost like she is mechanical --- or rather, programmed, to do this task.

She doesn't seem tired, nor does she seem confused about where she is. She doesn't break contact, and it takes her only a second to pass through each CD.

The only sound in this room, which takes on an appearance of a bedroom, is the sound of wind blowing through a metal vent. It's a calming sound that doesn't dismantel the girl's state of mind.

The girl does not remember how she got here.

It seems she will never stop this CD-shuffling process. And just as you're about to give up and call her hopeless, she stops.

For a long, quiet moment only filled by that calming noise of blowing air.

Her eyes that seemed so sharp a moment ago soften up, and she looks down at the CD.

A CD that differs from the other CDs. Instead of taking on the apperance of an exotic design or being shiny and silver, is has a photo of two small children, arms locked around each other, smiling with the background of ocean water filing onto the sandy beach.

The CD is labelled 'Smith Family Photos - Disc 1'.

And then she looks up from the CD.

And she looks around.

In a nonchalant voice, she asks herself,

"Where am I?"

Authors Note - the title of this story is only a prototype, I'm not sure what I really want to call it.

Automaton GirlWhere stories live. Discover now