97 3 0


December 6, 2015

I woke up with a headache, so I slowly crawled away from Jordan and ran to the kitchen grabbing some ibuprofen and taking 2.

I grabbed my phone out of his jacket pocket hanging by the door and dialed Hap's number.

"hello" she sounded sad and sleepy but I didnt care I wanted her to come over.

"hey babe" I chuckled a bit at her small gasp


she squealed and began speaking. "I missed you so fucking much."

I smiled "I missed your voice." I knew she was smiling.

"Hap can you come over pretty please." I asked making sure to say please

"of course bro"

with that I said "love you" and hung up.

I ran upstairs and jumped on the bed next to Jordan.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP DUMBASS" I tried not to scream at him but I was excited I was gonna see my babygirl.

"yea?" his morning voice was cute but I liked Haps better her voice was always cute and I loved it.

"my future wife is coming over now get upppp." I smiled as he sat up.

"your future wife?"


"why isn't she already your wife" cause im asking her out today I swear Jordan's stupid

"cause im asking her today"

"well shit we gotta get you looking hot, not that you dont but um....you're in your pajamas so"

I laughed and ran to the bathroom to wash my face and put my hair up. I quickly applied some eyeliner and ran to jordan.

he had out black jeans with a small chain hanging on the belt loops and a bright blue shirt that said "every kiss begins with k" my mum bought it for me, she always buys weird things.

I unbuttoned my pants and shoved jordan out of the room before pulling off my clothes and putting on the jeans and shirt. I took down my hair and fixed it putting it in a messy bun.

I heard a knock on the front door and I jogged down but jordan opened the door, Haps smile faded and her eyes became glossy at the shirtless Jordan.

I quickly shooed him off to get dressed and smiled at Hap. "well hey princess."

Her face lit up and she hugged me. "hey babe." she mumbled and pulled away.

i pulled her inside and she ran to my kitchen jumping on the counter, i slightly laughed and stood between her legs. She laughed. "what're you doing Vic?"

i leaned in a bit. "i want you so bad" i whispered, as she looked back at me.

"shut up" she closes the gap between us making me smile into the kiss.

i slowly pull away intertwining our hands.


"yes baby?"

"i was wondering.."

"come on spit it out love."


HAHAHAHHAHHHAHHAHA ITS A FUCKING CLIFFHNGER CAUSE WHY NOT FAm p.s. sorry ts short but i got writers block fml

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