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  My friend, Honeyflower, and I, Scourgefan, are roleplayers from a site known as Pinterest. We have quite a few roleplays we do, but we have one main one, that has celebrated its Year anniversary, and as a little gift to it, I decided to create a book of all the backgrounds on our characters, that are our OCs, rather then, the characters that are from television shows, video games, movies or books. You can always use the character's names, since we can't exactly copyright a name, and any characters that may have a picture that is an anime character you know, but isn't their name, please keep your opinions to yourself. We just found pictures and used them.

   If you ever want to create a photo, fanart, or chapter photos for us, we're accepting and saving! These are not adoptable so please do not ask to adopt any of them. Thanks.

Sincerely, Mystic.

By the way, MysticWolf is just our collaboration wattpad, so these are books we share as we work on them. Honey will be doing her characters, and I (Scourge), will be doing mine. Cheers, much love, take care.

Extra: These are mostly referring to Once Upon a Time, so certain characters are from that, but we also include Batman, Supernatural, and many more.

Roleplay Character Background StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now