Part one : finding out

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~Karkat's pov~

I heard Sollux vomiting in the bathroom and ran to go see if he was ok. It was around 5 in the morning and I was not able to focus. "Hey are you ok?" I asked leaning up against the door frame, the the rancid smell reaching my nose but not fazing me in the slightest, I walked over to him and ran my hand up and down his back, after he finished emptying his stomach contents into the toilet he wiped his mouth and I gave him a cup of water from the faucet. What he said next made my heart stop.

~Sollux's pov~

Sollux was honestly scared more than anything else. He was so afraid and frightened, 

the pain in his wounds had come back..... He ached every where and everything hurt , he hated throwing up too

~Karkat's pov~

I saw tears form in Sollux's eyes and I hugged him tightly. "Its going to be ok baby. We're gonna get through this." I rubbed his back and kissed the inside of his neck, not being able to reach his cheek. "Should we get Kankri?"

~sollux's pov~

He shook his head "pleathe don't leave. ..... Ii jutht want you ....,jutht you kk pleathe don't go" Sollux cried softly hugging karkat tightly

~Karkat's pov~

"Don't be scared. You are Not Allowed to show weakness in the heat of battle! You can do thiiiiiiis!" I whisper screamed, looking at him laughing while doing it. "Beesh I said I love you." I grinned and kissed his nose.

~sollux's pov~

".......yeth ii may have kiilled many by your thiide but thiith iith diifferent we're talkiing about a grub here"

~Karkat's pov~

"Yeah I know, but I don't doubt your parenting skills. I'm like a child and you deal with me so I think you'll be ok."

~sollux's pov~

" are a liil diick motht of the tiime"

~Karkat's pov~

"Hey! Th- well actually its pretty true so I can't argue with that. But I'm just.. Yeah there's no helping it." I said with a chuckle. "You're so handsome." I put my hand up to his face, cupping his cheek.

~sollux's pov~

He blushed a light honey yellow, he put a hand on Karkat's face "and your tiinyyyyy"

~Karkat's pov~

I sighed in fake defeat and whispered 'nooooooooo.' Really quietly"But I don't wanna be tiny! I wanna be big like you!" I said in fake awe, acting like a grub

~Lila and Sollexa's pov~

An hour past, they'd already eaten breakfast and where sitting on the sofa as Sollexa came in crying and sat on Lilas lap "baby please stop crying..... It's wvill surwviwve this time I promise "Lila stroked Sollexa's hair calmingly

~Karkat's pov~

I looked between Sollexa and Lila and gave Lila a questioning look... She said something about Sollexa and a grub before but I forgot

~Lila and Sollexa's pov~

Once Sollexa fell asleep Lila told them about what happened to her and Sollexas last two grubsgrubs

~Karkat's pov~

I looked between Sollexa and Lila and tears sprung to my eyes, I got up and hugged sollexa and whispered that I was sorry for her loss and I cried with her. Fearing for my own grub and Sollux...

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