looking after my little bumble bee

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The next day Karkat was on on his patrol around the cabin , after realizing that Sollux could be in danger, and if sollux was in danger so was the grub, it didnt help much that Sollexa and Lila where outlaws but hey. Sollexa was Sollux's twin and Lila was Eridan's twin...it was weird but they had to put up with it for now, Sollexa and Lila had no where to stay at all, they only had weapons which kinda sucked, Sollux was inside throwing his guts up as Sollexa rubbed his back softly , Lila joined Karkat outside with her duel ray gun pistols, she just like him needed to protect her matesprit , she would let no harm come to Sollexa at all! 

They heard something in the bushes. it pounced out onto Lila biting her hard and painfully

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