Ch.2 Growing

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Luka's p.o.v

I fly down the hallway "MOMMY DADDY I LEARNED TO FLY!" I laughed as I cruised down the hallway at breakneck speeds. I slowed down as I reached the thrown room they were there smiling at another family. "Lukina say hello to the Whites" the adults turn to me I smile. There was some hair showing behind the lady's leg. "Sorry little one she is shy this is Mileena." At the mention of her name a girl around my age came out. But I couldn't see her eyes  they were hidden by her hair. "Hi I'm Luka" I hold out my hand "they called you Lukina?" I nod "they did Luka is a nick name" "why a boy name?" I shrug "I couldn't be kina for short cause then I'd be a different person." I smile she giggles I grab her hand "lets go play!"

6 Years later

I roll my eyes as Mileena giggles at something Richard said. "Oh I'm Richard I get all the girls I'm buff blah blah fucking blah." I heard my best friend chuckle at me "keep talking that loud and maybe he'll hear you." I roll my eyes "I don't even understand what she sees in that fool." Midas shrugs "maybe you should just tell her that you claimed her years ago after you guys first met." I turned to them "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!" I realized I said that too loud because everyone was staring "my bad." I grumble quietly as class started "how could she not feel the pull by now is beyond me." I shake my head at them "it's all good Midas I'll be fine." They shrug their shoulders "true you do got the hottest person as a best friend." I chuckle "shut up" soon class was over I grab all my things and walk out with Midas. "Hey come over to my place after last class" I nod "you got it." I smile then make my way to my physical class. "Alright class today will just be a roaming day" I chuckle. "That headache getting to you?" He growls at me but smiles then goes into his dark room. I roll my eyes as Richard starts flexing in front of all the cheer girls. I walk into the old weight room unlocking the door with my personal key I light some of the lamps around. They lit up some of the room but not all. I laugh as I hear a growl "it's just me stay calm" the growling stops. I take off my shirt thanking the heavens for my new chest wraps. I slowly breath in and out before picking up the different sized metals until I get to the biggest one. "You're going to have to melt the smaller ones and make bigger ones now that I've grown." I hear a huff from the darkness "you didn't expect me to stay lifting those small things now did you?" It didn't answer so I just started to lift them. I could feel someone staring at me but I just kept going. Eventually I stopped and barely peered at the door. Low and behold it was some of the cheer girls that were watching Richard earlier. I smirk and walk further in the room being engulfed by the darkness.

 I got into a push up position waiting for the weight I buckled as a heaver weight was put on me. "Fucking hell I thought it took you weeks to make new ones?" It grumbled which made the weight on my back vibrate. "So I'm finally up to that level huh." I began to do slow push ups feeling the effects of having him on my back I breath in and out slowly. He made a noise of what I assumed was concern "I'm fine really just give me a second." Again I began to do more push ups before I heard a ding from the church bell. "Well that's my signal to go I'll see you later on." He gets off my back once I stand up I look in his general direction. What surprises me this time is the fact that I can see his eyes I smile. "Look at you trusting me more now?" He grumbles and pushes me towards the light I laugh "alright alright I get it." I grab my shirt and blow out the lamps once I walk out I lock the door. "Luka here is a message from your guardians" I take it with a nod. "Thank you" I read the message, tell us when you get back if you are okay with our idea of showing who you are AND NO SWEETS BEFORE YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY! "Hey Luka" I turn around and see two of the cheer girls from earlier waving and giggling. I smile "hey girls what's up?" I walk up to them putting my shirt on. "Are you going to be at the king and queen's castle for the prince's birthday celebration?" I nod the only people who knew I am the prince are Midas and Mileena. "HEY LILY stop talking to that freak!" I growl fucking Richard I will murder you! I tighten my jaw I turn around in order to say something but Lily turns my head back to her. "Hey ignore him he's just protective because he's my brother, and he can't take Mileena away from you." I growl lowly "I highly doubt that." As if on cue I hear Mileena laugh at something he said. I look down feeling a slight pain in my chest "hey are you okay?" She caresses my cheeks making me look at her. I shake my head "no but eventually I will be." I sigh then begin to walk away I was almost out the door. "Hey Luka you wanna stay with me for a little while?" I turn my head slightly to see Mileena staring at me for an answer, I stare at their conjoined hands. "No.

I practically run out feeling sad and angry at the same time. "Luka!" I keep going until I feel a hand wrapped around my wrist. "I want you to know, I'll always be here for you okay?" I turn and look at her "thanks Lily...really but I have to go meet Midas." At the mention of their name Lily blushes, I smile "I see someone wants Midas's touch." She blushes even darker "silence" I laugh and pull her with me. "You should come with me I'm sure they'll be happy to see you." "Wait hold on I have a friend with me" she runs back into the building. As I wait I close my eyes feeling the suns warmth wrap around me. I smile feeling all the anger roll off my shoulders, as the heat sinks into my skin. Being half a dragon really has me enjoying the sun more theses days. I felt my eyes change as I felt energy surge through my body "Luka quit sun bathing." I jump and turn around "got dammit I forgot I was waiting for you guys." Lily and her friend gasp "what what's wrong?" Her friend blushes "your eyes they're beautiful I've never seen them like that." "Oh" I chuckle feeling my cheeks heat up. "I'm part dragon bathing in the sun makes me feel very...powerful so to speak." "That's really ho-interesting" I smile at Lily's friend. "I'm uh Piper by the way" I smile shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you as you already know I'm Lukina but people call me Luka." She smiles wide "you wanna join us on our beautiful stroll to Midas's residence?" I held out my arm she blushes and loops hers around mine. It felt like somewhere in the back of my head I could feel eyes burning holes into me. I pause for a minute "hey why'd you stop?" Piper asked, I turn my head so I can look at her. "Um uh nothing just got this weird feeling my apologies." She smiles "it's alright no need to apologize." Her smile made me feel warm inside. As we walked to Midas's house we passed the bakery and got a few cakes and cookies. "You know your parents are going to kill us if they find out." I chuckle as I pass Piper a small cake, "we'll be fine as long as no one tells." I smile while putting my finger to my lips in a shh motion.

Once we walk up the small hill I see the gleam of Midas's house. "Geez they were serious about the gold weren't they?" Midas and I chcukle as the girls cover their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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