27 His pain

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Chapter 27

His pain

Yuri, the elegant beautiful woman standing in front of WW club who is holding Minho’s arm…is Minho’s Fiancee.

Everything about her is elegant. The way she dresses, the way she moves, even the way she smiles…are all elegant.

“Hi Everyone. Minho has been telling me about you for the longest time. I am happy to have finally met you all.” Said Yuri

Jonghyun felt Sulli’s hand on his shoulder shaking. He stood up, pulled Sulli to sit on his chair and then went to kiss Yuri’s hand which was holding Minho’s arm.

“I am glad to finally meet you.” Said Jonghyun

Jonghyun looked at Minho, but Minho’s face is covered by a cold expression.

“Let’s have dinner together. I’m sure Yuri wants to know more about you and I know you would like to know more about my future wife too.” Said Minho

Future Wife…

Sulli felt like her heart is shredding. And her eyes got really hot…oh no…these tears can’t flow now.

Sulli noticed Krystal chewing her lower lip. And Suzy still facing the window.

“Don’t you want to spend time with my Fiancee?” asked Minho

Suzy almost stood up but Krystal spoke in a very loud voice that made Suzy sit again.

“We’ll go to the dinner. But Minho, you take Yuri with you there first. We’ll follow you.” Said Krystal

“That’s right. You go ahead Minho. We’ll just take care of something and we’ll follow you.” Said Hara

“All right.” Said Minho

Minho led Yuri out of WW200. Not even sparing anyone a glance.

Suzy started to sob. Her emotion she’s been keeping the past hour needs to go out of her body. Krystal Immediately sat beside Suzy and patted Suzy’s back. Hara took water and gave it to Suzy.

This is too much. Suzy is in too much pain…And everyone knows it.

Sulli felt like her heart is being tortured. Her own pain and Suzy’s pain.  Sulli went out of WW200. She went out of the Arts building and ran as fast as she can around the school. Tears are flowing from her eyes while running. And she can’t stop them now…

My Future Wife…

Minho has a Fiancee. How can she even think that Minho might even in a tiny way like her.

Sulli stopped running in the middle of the football field.

It would’ve helped if she knew He’s been engaged…Then she would not have unconsciously been expecting that everything that happened between them has a reason…perhaps the reason why Minho never explained anything…is because there really wasn’t a reason worth explaining.

Sulli felt someone grabbing her shoulders and turned her around.

“Jonghyun…” said Sulli

Sulli can’t hide it anymore, her face filled with tears. He heart screaming of pain…Her Mind floating…

Jonghyun enveloped Sulli in a tight hug. And then Sulli just can’t stop crying anymore. She cried and cried…until her body is shaking of exhaustion.


Hara followed Jonghyun when he left WW200. And then she saw him going to the football field. He ran towards Sulli and turned Sulli to face him. And then He hugged her….

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