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I hate when my brothers always take my phone and never give it back but luckily I got it back.


"Morning chase." She said while waking up.
"Morning bree." He said yawning. "I'm gonna
Head back home and start packing." She said
While grabbing her stuff. "Okay see later pick
You up at 1 pm." He said getting closer to bree.

"Yeah I go-" getting cut off by chase kissing her
Lips. "Chase I was very stressed out I think don't
you Should do that again okay." She said with a
calm And gentle voice.

"At bree's house"

"I'm all packed now time to relax till chase comes
And picks me up." She said pulling out her phone
and checks her Facebook. "WHAT!" She said with
A angry voice.

"One Hour Later"

Chase arrived at bree's house and knocked on the
Door. Bree opens the door. "Hey chase." She said
Grabbing his hand and pulling him into the house.
"Hey bree what's wrong." He said with a confused

"You need to see this." She said with a worried Face
And pulling her phone out. "What is it." He said
Sitting down on the couch. "This." She said showing
Him the picture. "WHAT!!" He said with a angry voice.

"I'm going to break up with skylar when I see her at
Beach house." He said furiously. "You should calm
down you just going to stress yourself out." She
Said putting her hand on his chest making him
Calm down.

"Your right, and by the way are ready?" He said
While he was getting up. "Bree giggles" and says
"I'm ready." As she gets up to go get her bags.

"Here let me help you." He said Grabbing the bags
and the putting them in his trunk. "Thank you
Chase." She said smiling at him.

They drive for 5 hours and finally arrive at the
Beach house. "Wow its beautiful." Bree said with
A smile. "Well I have to find skylar I'll back." He
said while putting bree's bags in a room.

"Okay see ya." She said smiling at him. Chase
Finds skylar. "Hey babe where's bree?" She
Said putting her has around chase's neck.
Chase pushed skylar away. "We are done."

"What do you mean?" She said with a
worried voice. "I know you have been
Cheating on with adam."why would
you say that." She said worried "he
Posted a photo of you two kissing on
His Facebook page."

"You don't even go on Facebook so you can't
Prove it." She said angry. "BREE!!" He yelled.
Bree ran to the living room fast as possible.
"Bree where's that picture you showed me."
She finds the picture and shows it to skylar.

"We're done." Chase said as he was leaving the
Living room holding bree's hand. "Hey chase
Why are you know with skylar?" Jack said
Confused. "She cheated on me with adam."

"At Night"

"This the room I'm staying in nice." She said
happy."Yeah I'm also going to sleep here if
That's okay with you." He said smiling at bree.
"I'm totally fine with it." She said smiling at

Hello world hope your enjoying the story so far because if your not I will find you and I will kill you hahaha just kidding I would never do that.

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