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Hey guys! This might be a really short chapter because I'm not that good at fight scenes but anyways... Enjoy!
Lisanna POV
After the light was gone Loke appeared. "Hello princ- ohhhh here to defeat a kishin huh?" Loke said. I took a swipe at the kishin causing it to back up a bit. " yup Loke will you please help us?"  I question," or will you just stand there looking like a lost puppy!" I yell. All of a sudden a part of Lucy went out of the weapon form and smacked me at the back of my head. " HEY LU-CHAN AT THIS TIME" but I got an extra smack in my forehead. Loke laughed then punched the kishin with his regulus impact. The kishin then flew into a tree. I ran forward hooking Lucy to the back of the kishin then throwing him up in the air.
" Loke! Use regulus impact while he is still in the air." I yelled. " Okay! REGULUS IMPACT" Loke then hit the kishin causing him to fly into another tree. However he got back up and lunged at me. He managed to punch me in the stomach causing me to fly back a little. "LISANNA ARE YOU OKAY!" Lu-chan asked worriedly. " yeah Luce I'm fine" I said while wiping away some blood stains from my mouth. " no you aren't! Mira's gonna kill me!" I laughed " don't worry Luce." The creature was then about to him me again but Lucy lifted me up causing the monster to hit her instead. I looked at her reflection and saw that her head was bleeding and she had a few scratches here and there. I then swung Lucy at the kishin causing him to fly back a bit then Loke did the regulus impact causing "it" to fly into the side of the mountain.

Lucy POV
Lisanna pointed me at the kishin who was currently sitting KO in the middle of the crater. I quickly put some of me out of the weapon form and turned to Lisanna and Loke. They were talking about how to tell lord death that the mission was completed. Loke decided that he will bring the mission to the DWMA. Lisanna then changed out of her animal soul and my body stayed in the weapon form. As I looked back the kishin was making its way towards Lisa- chan. It then raised its hand readying for an attack that could kill Lisanna. "Lisanna!" I yelled before jumping out of my weapon form and went in front of Lisanna. I felt a sharp pain shoot throughout my body before blacking out.

Lisanna POV
"LISANNA!" I heard Lucy yell. Loke and I turned around just to see her get slashed by the kishin. From her right shoulder to her left hip. Blood leaked out from the wound and she fell to the floor. I looked at the kishin with hateful eyes. Looks like it wasn't dead yet. I looked at Lucy, and dropped when I saw how much blood had poured out, staining her outfit ( key of starry skies outfit) and how it turned part of her blonde hair a pinky color. The kishin then screeched and went in for the kill but Loke punched the kishin again, this time making sure to punch him through the heart. Loke's fist was seen on the other side of the kishin. It then slowly disintegrated and the soul came out. I took the soul in my hands and asked loke if he could save it in the spirit realm. I didn't want to eat it. I saved it for Luce... I then asked loke to pick up Luce and we sprinted towards Fairytail. We didn't use the train but we ran. Anyway it was just 4 miles away.
I was holding Lucy's head up ," Luce please, please oh please be okay" I whispered. Then I let a few tears slide down. I look at Loke and he was crying too.

*TIME SKIP: At Fairytail guild*
Lisanna POV
We've been running for about an hour. Lucy was loosing a lot of blood. The guild doors were up ahead. Loke and I ran faster, scared that I'f we are too late, Lucy would die. We were almost, there. Lucy let out a slight groan.
After a few more minutes if running, we finally made it. I kicked open the doors causing the whole guild to look at us. I showed Loke to the infirmary. " WENDY! HELP LUCE! Please..." I chocked out. Wendy then rushed up to the infirmary. But I broke down in the front of the guild. Everyone came rushing over, they said questions like , are you okay, lisanna why are you bleeding, are you hurt lisanna, but not one asked about Lucy's well being. That is when I snapped.
" Do you guys not care about Lucy! She is in  much worse condition than me! She sacrificed her life for me! I would've been killed if she wasn't there! She is bleeding to HER DEATH!" I yelled, standing up I punched the person who was closest to me, Natsu. " How dare you all!" Then I kicked another person , Mira. " AND YOU CALL YOURSELVES A GUILD THAT CARES FOR THEIR NAKAMA!" I then scratched a redhead, Erza. Everyone stared at me in shock, but I just glared back sending even the mighty Titania shivers. " You all have been ignoring Lu-Chan for 6 months." I said," not one of you cared for her or noticed her well being except for me!And even when she could kick your butts JUST LIKE THAT!" I screamed.
" L-l-lisanna you can see Lucy now" I heard a shivering Wendy call out from the infirmary door. I nodded then ran up there. As I got up some of the guild members follow, one was Team natsu and my siblings, but I can assure you, many people were there too. I went inside the infirmary to see Lucy with a huge wound on her stomach, thankfully it was not as big as before. I walked over to her and sat down on the chair next to her.

Normal POV
The white-haired take-over Mage grasped the hands of Lucy. Cold wet tears falling from her eyes. What she didn't know was that the guild members were listening to her every words. " Luce, I'm sorry... Sorry that I wasn't able to protect you..." Lisanna then intertwined her fingers with Lucy's. " You are my meister, I'm supposed to protect you..." The take-over mage then closed her eyes,crying on the bed. But suddenly Lucy's hand tightened the grasp. Lisanna's head shot up to see the crying blonde. "Lisanna at the time you were my meister. I had to save you".The white head started tearing up even more. The blond looked over with pain filled eyes. She hates seeing her friends worry about her. She then reached over to stroke the take-over mages hair. " Lisanna it was my duty at the time to protect you..." Lucy said.  Lisanna then shot up from her seat and hugged Lucy gently. " I don't know what I'd do without you, not being able to fight along side of you, not being able to transform into my weapon form anymore, not being able yo hold your weapon anymore. If you died... I don't want to think about that" she said gently. " That's why I saved you, so we can still fight" the celestial Mage sobbed. " Luce I love you, so don't leave me." Lisanna cried. " I could say the same thing." Lucy said.

*Out side the door*
Normal POV
Every one was pacing around either on the second floor. The girls were crying while the boys were just mad at themselves for ignoring their precious nakama. Wendy was shaking while Asuka was wailing.
"DWMA? Weapons and meisters?" The red headed Titania questioned ," LEVY!" She called to the blunette who was currently crying on Gajeel's shirt. Levy looked at her with red puffy eyes. Erza motioned her to come over, but Levy shook her head. Erza groaned before going down to the bookworm. Levy took out a book and then swiped to a page.
" wahh!" She exclaimed.  Erza took the book and read. ( btw info was found on wiki and u can skip)
Meisters (職人, Shokunin) are warriors who fight and battle using the weapon forms of Demon Weapons, people who are able to transform into traditional weapons.Meisters are generally individuals with exceptional wavelengths who are paired up with Weapons should both the Meister and Weapon have a compatible wavelength.This is based on the personalities of the potential Meister and Weapon. Should they be compatible, the individual would be able to utilize their chosen partner with ease. However, if one's wavelength isn't compatible, dangerous effects from the rejection can result in injury and possibly death in extreme cases.Many Meisters have various abilities which span out to many possibilities. However, Meisters have the ability to allows communication on a spiritual level with their Weapon and, most importantly in combat, allows them to receive or give energy. Many Meisters also develop the Meister-exclusive ability, Soul Perception, which allows those with it to search for wavelengths and identify them. This is mainly used for localizing people and gauging their potential strength and sometimes even interpreting their intentions.
"So Lucy and Lisanna are Meistersinger and weapons!"
Suddenly the door burst open and a boy with white hair yelled "WHERES MY LUCY! And where's her friend Lisanna!"

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