Bad Boy Across The Street

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Drew pov

I layed on my bed thinking for a long time about Zayn. Why did he want me? I'm a joke to him? Why does he want to go out with me? I sighed looked at the clock.

I need to get ready. I got up and took a shower in cold water. Don't ask why but I just do. I picked a outfit a white shirt with roses blue jeans and D.C shoe's.

I waited downstairs he'll be here in 15 minutes so I sat on the couch and played fruit ninja .

***1hr later ***

It's been a hour since I waited for Zayn. I went upstairs and to look out my window. His motorcycle is there then a pink mustang?

I see his window to his room he's their ,but with Kim? What the fuck! he didn't come to the date so he could laid with her?

I felt warm liquid going down my cheeks.

Tears? why was I crying? I look up and Zayn saw me. His face was pale his eyes almost coming out of his eyes.I closed my blinds. I went to shower to clear the make-up off of me.

I knew he would do this to me. I knew he would break my heart. I knew he was bad from the beginning.

I got out of the shower putting my pajamas on. I lay on my bed and played music on my phone I play Allstar Weekend:Blame It On September . I fell asleep with that.

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