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This chapter takes place between "The Library of Legends" and "The Perfect Hideout". Enjoy!!

Chapter 1

Taylor's pov:

"Taylor I know you're nervous but get out from under the bed." My mom said. The reason I'm hiding under the bed, I just moved to a new place and I have to go to a new middle school.
"No, I'm not gonna go!" I said back to her. I yelped as mom pulled me out from under the bed.
"Mom I don't wanna go, people might make fun of me." I said to her. She chuckled.
"Sweetie, no-ones going to make fun of you. Trust me. Now go get ready." Mom replies, and walks out of the room. I sigh and get my bag ready.
"You're going to be late!" Mom yells. Nervous sweat rolls down the side of my face as I run out the door.
"Bye mom love you see you soon bye!" I yelled and rushed out the door.
"Oh I'm going to be totally late like I always am the first day!!" I said, gripping onto my bookbag and running as fast as my legs would take me.

Emily pov:

I'm going to be late, again. Ugh, I should get an alarm clock. I bumped into someone and we both fell and the ground.
"S-sorry, I-I was g-going t-t-to be l-late f-for m-my f-f-first d-day o-o-o-of school." A shy voice said. I giggled and looked at her. She had light purple hair and was looking down.
"Hey it's alright. Here let me help you up." I said, getting up and giving the girl a hand.
"T-t-thanks." She said very quietly.
"No problem. My name's Emily."
"T-Taylor." She replies.
"So, what school are ya new to?" I asked her. Please say my school please say my school!
"Rainbow Hills Middle School..." She replies shyly again, pushing her light purple bangs from her face.
"Cool! Hey since you're new, want me to show you the way-"
"Hello!" Candy says, jumping out of my bookbag.
"What is that- She's so adorable is that a talking puppy!?" She asks, and I giggle.
"I'm not a puppy, I'm a-"
"Yep, she's a puppy! So, how about we hang out later, sound good?" I ask her.
"S-sure. I'd like t-that, I have no plans a-anyway." She replies.
"Awesome! Come on I want you to meet my friends!" I said grabbing her wrist and running towards the school.

Taylor pov:

I yelped as Emily grabbed my wrist and started running in the direction of the school. When the school got into view, I saw four girls waiting for something, probably Emily.
"Hey Em, try to get here earlier then usual!" One with red hair yelled. Emily ran up the stairs and then let go of my wrist, putting her hands on her waist and catching her breath.
"So Emily, who's this?" The same one asked.
"This is... Taylor she's... new here... and I thought.... I could... Show her around..." Emily says between breaths.
"H-hi." I said.
"Hey I'm Kelsey, this is Chloe, April, Lily, and you've already bumped into Emily." Kelsey, the red haired girl, says. They all say hi, and the bell rings.
"Shoot, we're gonna be late, come on." Emily says, and she grabs my wrist and runs to the class with the others.

*time skip 'til lunch*

"Come on, over here Taylor!" Emily yells from the gazebo, waving at me. I gulp and walk slowly over there, holding my lunch.
"So, you did better then me on introduction." Emily says, and my faces gets red.
"Hey dude come on sit down, we don't bite." Kelsey says. I go and sit by Emily.
"Hi again!" The talking puppy comes out again. I giggle, she's so adorable!
"Candy!!" All five of them yell, making me flinch a little.
"What, can't say hi to a new friend?" Candy says, and I start to blink.
"Friend? Gosh I've never had any friends before." I said. They all gasp.
"You've never had a friend before? Gosh, that must've been hard for you." Lilly says. I shrug.
"It was nice actually, I got some peace and quiet." I replied to Lilly.
"Well then, we're going to be your new friends!" Emily says, and everyone agrees by either nodding or saying yeah.
"Enjoy that friendship as long as you can, it won't last long." A dark voice says.
"Olek, you stay away from Taylor." Emily says, and stands up.
"I think she likes darkness better!" Olek, apparently, says and opens a book, throwing paint on it. I stat to feel sad and crouch down on the ground, putting my head in my knees.

Emily pov:
I saw Taylor crouch down to the floor, head in her knees- Oh no!
"Why even bother making friends, they'd just laugh at me." She said all sad.
"Taylor, don't believe what other people say! You're awesome no matter what!! Take what You just said back!!!" I yelled to her.
"Emily, what are we going to do?" Lilly asked.
"Bafoon, time to play!!" Olek says, and Taylor's bag turned into one big giant monster. Candy jumped out, and landed on my shoulder.
"Is it kind of too late to tell you that there's one last member of the Glitter Force?!!" Candy yells.
"Candy who is it?!" I asked her.
"It's Taylor, Emily you have to help her!" Candy replies. I look at Taylor and clench my fist.
"Alright, I'll do it." I said, and turned into Glitter Lucky.
"You guys hold it off, I have to help Taylor!" I yelled at them.
"Already on it!" Kelsey yells back. I run towards Taylor, but stopped by Olek.
"Where do you think you're going?" Olek says.
"I'm going to help a friend!" I yell at him.
"No-one's ever going to talk to me." Taylor says, and is still in her position she was in.
"Taylor, I'm talking to you listen to me!! You have to get out of that negative spell!! Think positive!!" I yelled at her.

Taylor pov:
"Think, positive?" I asked out loud. The world was getting back to me, and I looked around, confused.
"W-What happened-?" I paused as a giant wolf human thing grabs me by the collar.
"Found you." It says. I scream and struggle.
"N-no, l-let m-m-me g-g-g-go!" I said, and a blast of purple light came from me. Everything around me became purple, and sure as heck I was confused.
"What's going- on?" I said as some kind of make-up compact fell in my hands.
"That's your compact, you're one of the Glitter Force!" Candy says.
"Candy? What do you mean Glitter Force?" I asked her in a scared voice.
"The girls will explain it to you later, just put your charm into the pact, and then say Glitter Force Makeover, and then you'll see what happens next." Candy says. I nod and put the charm in the compact.
"Glitter Force, Makeover?" I said, and one of those brushes popped up.
"Glitter pact, apply shades of power!" I said, and dabbed the brush onto the pact and started to do, whatever it is I needed to do.
"Glitter Vans! Glitter Boots!" I said, and purple Vans and Boots appeared.
"Rain can't wash away all happiness, Glitter Rain!" I said, and the scene changed back to the dark world. I looked around for the girls, they were nowhere.
"Girls?" I asked.
"In here!" A muffled voice that sounded like Emily said from, my giant bag!?
"O-okay, s-since when d-did m-my b-bag g-g-get b-bi- Eee!" I jumped out of the way from the giant strap that was going to hit me. I looked down, and I was flying.
"I hate heights!" I said while squirming around.
"Taylor, use you Glitter Wave!" Candy says. I blink in confusion.
"Glitter Wave? What's that?" I asked her.
"It's a move you use when you have enough Glitter Spirit." Candy says. I nod and try to get some spirit.
"I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!" I yelled, and sparkles came out of the Glitter Pact.
"Glitter, Wave!!" I yelled, and a big purple wave hit the big bag monster and it turned back to my small bag. Emily, Kelsey, Lilly, Chloe, and April fell out of the bag. The ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"Taylor you did awesome!!" Emily squeals, and my face felt like it was getting hot.
"Yeah Tay, you did amazing." Kelsey says, and I giggle at the nickname.
"Thanks you guys, I guess I'm part of the, what was it Candy?" I asked Candy.
"Glitter Force!" Candy giggled, and so did I.
"You know what I'm thinking, we should have code names." Emily says.
"Code names, come on Em really, we're not that childish y'know." Kelsey says.
"I think it's a cool idea." Lilly says.
"We should be heading back." I said, and pointed towards the school.
"Yeah, let's go." April says, and we both grab our stuff and head back to school.

So, 1,419 words, kind of long yet short. Anyways, hope you liked it! This was the first chapter. Next chapter will be during "The Perfect Hideout", so that might be long, or it might be short. Depends on if I want to add an extended ending. Stay tuned for next chapter, goodbyyyyyyyyyyyye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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