A Queen For the King

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Running, screaming, hiding, that's all they did, those who had a brain. Those who were able to think in action. I could have been safe and sound away from the trouble, out of harms way, if I were one of those people. I whimpered in a corner between a car and a wall, ever so close to the battle near me. The Red King and his clan member's were causing havoc around the town square again and this time I was caught between the mess.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I silently prayed for my safety to whom ever it concerned. Fire was every where only harming us who were not apart of the clan. A loud screech left my lungs as the car beside me exploded loudly, I moved to my feet as quickly as I could with the grocery bags in my hands as the flames began to run wild. Dropping the bags would have been a fine idea, I was surrounded by flames; they danced around me like mocking gentlemen wanting to take their back out to the dance floor. "Somebody please help me!" I screamed out to the heavens hoping somebody, anybody would hear me through the loud thuds and crashes around. The wind seemed to pick up, giving the fire a chance to dance in a more dangerous fashion. It closed in on me encircling me in a ring, I looked around wanting to find a quick escape but, the flames were tightly closed; not allowing an access in or out. "Help!" I tried once more.

"Enough already." The flames parted two the sides, they bowed at the being walking in between them, they stayed loyal, not wanting to harm their master. "How many times has it been already, (Y/N)?" Do you not know when to run?" The Red King, Mikoto, gave me his famous cold stare as he took me by the wrist and dragged me out of the flames mouth.

"Maybe this wouldn't happen if you and the clan stopped attacking the town square!" I bellow smacking his chest with the grocery bags. "Do you know how frightened my mother gets when she finds out I get in between these a lot?" I continued angered at the red haired male at my side.

He grunted in response as he continued pulling me along through the flames with ease. I sighed irritated yet, grateful and his kindness. "You can l-let go now, King."

He stopped and looked me in the eyes "You call me a King but, I am the one who seems too be coming to your aid, the one who is loyal to your cries of help. I am more of a knight, a servant to you." He leaned down and captured my lips with rough force as if trying to tame a wild beast. "My Queen."

A Queen For the KingWhere stories live. Discover now