Chapter 1

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."Crack!" I heard something snap from behind me, making me whip my head around to see what the source of the noise was, only to find nothing there. Picking up my pace, all sort of thoughts swarmed around in my head.

"Where am i?" I whisper to myself, taking in my surroundings. This place was huge! All I could see was trees, they were everywhere, and for some reason, they sent chills up my spine.
I've been walking around this place for hours, or at least I thought so. How I ended up here, I honestly don't know.

"Crack!" another twig snapped, making me speed walk, which soon turned into small jogs. Just as I thought it was just my imagination playing games on me, I heard footsteps after me, and thats when I ran.

"Grab her!" a deep, low voice yelled from behind me, and that's when I ran, I sprinted as fast as I could, my heart raced as I took deep breaths in and out trying to keep my pace, even trying to go faster.

"Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, still keeping up with my running, my heart pounding faster and faster by each second that passed by.

"Hel-" my voice was cut off short as a loud booming sound was heard throughout the forest. It was a gun shot, whoever this person was just shot at me, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"One more move and I will shoot at you" the person said again, sending chills running up and down my spine.

But me being the stubborn girl I am, I ran, I ran for my life, away from whoever this person was. Being shot right now was the least of my worries, I had other things going in mind at that moment. One of the other reasons to why I ran was because I didn't like being told what to do, so I just ran.
Just as I was about to jump over a tree root that decided to stick out I felt a rough hand grab ahold of my upper arm, pulling me back making me tumble to the floor with a thud. My heart raced as I got up, I was petrified but I wasn't going to show that to whoever this was, I was going to show him that I didn't care, not even the slightest.

"What did I tell you, huh?" he said in a bitter tone, which surprisingly gave me more courage.

"Who are you?" I asked back, with a steady, strong, bitter tone. Surprisingly I didn't stutter nor sound on edge, I sounded strong, which was a huge surprise but I was glad.

"I asked you a question" the guy replied bluntly, making my blood boil with anger, I don't know why though..

"And I asked you a question too, if you haven't realized" I bluntly retorted back, using the same tone he has used. This only caused him to smirk under the dim light coming from the moon, making my blood boil even more, this guy was getting on my nerves.

"So you aren't scared, huh?" the guy replied, his voice playful, yet hard.

"Scared? Hah, scared of what? There's nothing to be scared of around here" I stated, a smirk of my own growing on my lips. But on the inside, I was shaking, scared out of my mind!

Taking a step towards me, his smirk grew wider as I took one away from him. He had dark brown hair and was taller than me. His eyes and other features weren't visible under the moon light but it was enough to show his growing smirk.

"What's wrong babe?" the guy cooed with a smirk, taking another step towards me.

"First of all, if you think you're scaring me by your stupid little act then you are so wrong, and second of all don't you call me babe 'cos I will never be your babe, jerk" I replied back taking another step backwards.

"What did you just call me?" the guy spat back, taking a step towards me again, but this time he looked mad, I had gotten on his nerves. Oops....

"I called you a jerk" I replied back confidentially emphasizing the word 'jerk; making sure it stood out, this time standing my ground.

Hidden (Austin Mahone ff)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें