Moonlit Shenanigans

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We parked the truck in the grass behind the trees off of a dirt road, right next to Lake Victoria. We drove right out into the middle of the clearing under the starry night sky. Usually this place is vacant, like tonight. It wasn't a public lake, but the private owners never come down here, so we've basically claimed this place as our own. We've even thrown a few parties here, calling it the water hole. 

"Don't you love the Stones?" Jeff grins as he hands Jack the joint Cody rolled. We're lounging around the bed of my truck on a few blankets, the radio on in the front seat with the window open. 

"Who?" I wonder out loud, realizing the second after I said it. 

"The Rolling Stones man," he answers. Jack hands Avery the joint. 

"Sympathy for the devil, woo woo," Avery chuckles out smoke as he attempts to sing the lyrics mid-inhale. 

"Brown Sugar," Jack grins. 

"I didn't think you even listened to the stones," I comment, accepting the smoke from Avery. "Thought you'd think they're too hippie."

"Nah man," he sighs, reaching for his water. 

"Gimme shelter." It was by far the best I've heard from them so far, in my opinion at least. There have been other hits, but this was the first one to speak to me. I guess I sort of imprinted myself on that song when it comes to the rest of the Stones' music. First thing I liked so I latched on. 

"Gimme shelter is definitely the best," Jeff agrees, as does Cody. 

"Especially when you're baked," Jack leans his head back and chuckles slightly, contagiously making Jeff laugh too, just at how impossibly high Jack looks right now. His eyes were bloodshot and he had this slap happy grin on his face. 

"I thought you only smoked on weekends," Cody punches his shoulder.

"Yeah and you also thought the moon landing was a hoax, dumbass," he retorts. "Ow..." he rubs his shoulder. 

"It was! There's proof so just shut up." He slouches back against his corner of the truck, crossing his arms. 

There's a few moments of silence before Avery leans his head back and rubs his fingers through his hair, taking another sip of his beer. Damn it, I'd let it happen. 

"Well, I dunno 'bout you guys, but I'm hungry as all hell," he mutters, looking around as if he'll find something of sustenance lying about. 

"Gooooooodddamnnn," Jack lets out a huge breath, "me fuckin' too. Let's go get some grub." He hops out of the back and jumps right into the driver's seat without giving me a chance to even process what he was saying. The truck is already on when he's asking us what we want from Lucy's, the only diner with exceptionally crispy fries and salted caramel milkshakes. 

"Jack! Stop the truck idiot, my brothers back here!" 

"I can drive just fine Harley, calm yourself," he jokes, steering us out of the clearing. 

"And what if the cops pull us over, there's underage drinking happening," I stubbornly retort, trying to reach inside the cabin to grab the keys before he picks up speed. He smacks my hand. 

"We won't get caught, sit your ass down," he shoves me away and closes the window. I don't have a choice but to sit and wait it out.

When we get to Lucy's everybody begins to get out of the truck until they see how brightly illuminated the inside was. 

"What do y'all want, I'll go in and get it," Jack sighs, obviously taking one for the team. 

We slap a few bills in his hand and write down our orders on an old receipt. He comes out a few minutes later and hops into the back of the truck again, so we join him this time in Lucy's parking lot. 

SuicidalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang