Physical Pain Is Easier

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The plan ride for Will was quiet. He slept most of the flight to Boston, which was good since it was a long plan ride and the accumulated hours of sleep he's gotten the past two weeks added up to about fifteen hours, which was not at all healthy.

Jordan had been on his mind about the entire ride, well the part where he had been awake. He's ignored him completely which as bad as it sounds it's not like he would want to talk to him anyways. Fear still ran through his body as he thought of what Jordan must think of him "he must think I'm pathetic" Will thought to himself. It's just why the hell is he depressed, so what he finally realized the truth, big deal doesn't mean he has to make Jordan pity him.

Will's eyes adjusted to the bright airport and his eyes began to search for his Seattle boy. "stop it," he muttered to himself "he's not even picking you up, Liam is." Will continued to look until his eyes landed on Liam and his girlfriend, Corrine, over by luggage. He sheepishly walked over "hey guys...." he said looking toward them, but not at them,

"Hey Will!" Liam said smiling. Liam smiled even wider as he introduced Corrine, "And this is my oh so lovely girlfriend, Corrine!" Will was sure if Liam had smiled any wider his face would just break in half.

Corrine looked down to the ground and smiled. "Nice to meet you," she said pushing her blonde hair back behind her ear a bit and stuck out her hand, which Will shook.

The small group chatted for a few minutes before Liam smiled and shouted. "And here comes Mr. Bayanidood!" Will instantly tensed up. He took a quick glance at Jordan, who looked even more perfect in person.

Will held his breath as Jordan walked past him and toward H and Corrine "hey guys!" He yelled excitedly wrapping Liam in a 'bro hug' and shook Corrine's hand "so shall we head to the house- Will? I didn't know you'd be here" there was a suggestive tone to his voice.

Will looked down "yeah...I am..." he looked towards Corrine, who sensed the tension.

Corrine spoke up "Will! oh-um-who will you be staying with...ya know for-um-the trip, who's rooming with you?" the frantic tone to her voice gave hint she was trying to relive tension between the two boys.

Will was grateful and gave a small smile "I-I don't know....guess I'll find out at the house" Will shrugged.

Corrine nodded "are we waiting for anybody else?" she asked Liam.

He shook his head "no babe, just these two kunkleheads. C'mon" he said as they started to walk out of the airport. Liam turned to the small band of people "mind if I do a quick vlog?" he asked, Will shrugged his shoulders.

Jordan had gotten substantially closer to Will "I don't mind at all" he said. H turned towards his camera and spoke to it. Jordan's shoulder brushed against Will's "so...about that skype call" Jordan said lowly. His voice was slow and sweet, like honey.

Will blushed at how close Jordan's lips were to his ear, to his own lips for that matter. He quickly pushed away those thoughts and spoke sharply "it never happened for all you know" he said keeping his eyes dead ahead, speaking out the corner of his mouth.

Jordan grabbed Will's upper arm "Will we can't pretend like it didn't happen!" he whisper yelled. The group was very close the car now and Corrine and Liam hadn't seemed to notice the drama behind them.

Will looked back to Jordan with anger in his eyes "you've never had trouble with that before" he spat and swiftly turned walked away.


They quickly arrived at the house and Will immediately grabbed his two bags and went inside. The moment he opened the door, though, he was met with an onslaught people hugging him. He held in his cried of pain as Brayden smiled and forcibly gripped onto his forearms, right on the scars. After the quick reunion Jordan asked "who stays with who?"

Zach shrugged "we thought you could stay with Will, it seems like you two have, ya know, stopped hating each other" he said.

Will's eyes met Jordan's "yeah, w-we're good" Will was surprised to hear the words come from him, he tore his eyes away from Jordan's.

Zach smiled "well okay! now I'm gonna text Mitchell to see when he and Bee will get it alright?" he said already pulling out his phone. A few people gave some okays and nodded their heads numbly as they began to catch up with people.

"you cut your hair!"

"I never noticed that your eyes were so blue!"

"remember the time when Parker...."

"hey hey hey...don't mess!"

Will's head was pounding"I-I think I'm gonna lie down" he mumbled.

Dakota stood up "here I'll show you where you and Jordan will be staying" he said leading Will down a long hallway. About halfway Will felt a small river being to form on his face. Dakota began to turn around "so there's only one bed, but you guys don't mind sharing- Will? are you okay?" he asked concerned.

Will thought of nodding, to not bring Kermit into any of this stupid junk, but he found himself shaking his head "J-Jordan hates me.....we sort of made up, but I can tell" he said between shaky gasps for air.

Dakota looked down "hey hey's okay, he doesn't hate you" he said holding onto Will's shoulder. Will looked up with sad eyes, he wanted to tell him "me and Jordan..." he looked down.

Dakota was now interested "what is it bud?' he questioned.

"W-we got drunk a-and we kissed..." he mumbled.

"I-I so is that why you fought?" Dakota asked.

"I-yeah and I....I really think I like him..." he trailed off.

Dakota kept the same face "I don't know what to tell you, I guess we can just hope" he shrugged his shoulders.

Will nodded "okay....I think I'm gonna lie down now..." he said.

Dakota nodded "okay, we'll wake you up later for dinner" he said. Will nodded and headed into the room. He dropped his bags onto the floor with a deafening thud and fell onto the bed, he's never loved and hated Jordan more than this moment, which is weird since it's usually just one or the other, but he wanted to curse him out and also kiss him until his lips grew chapped. He rolled off the bed and pulled on more comfortable clothes. After going thought his bags for what seems like the hundredth time he found a pair of sweats and a loose thermal.

Will laid the clothes out on the bed and began to ease his current shirt over the deep gashes on his arms and centuries old ones that covered his stomach. He slowly began to slip out of his jeans when the door opened. Jordan's eyes were widened at the sight, it had nothing to do with the fact that Will was half naked, no, but at the scars. Jordan swung the door closed and walked towards Will, neither of them said anything. He pulled Will's skinny tall body into his arms, he held him tighter. Will began to sob "I-I'm so sorry...." he whispered. Jordan still said nothing. Will looked to him past the tears "do you hate me?" he whispered.

"no....I don't, I just want to know why? why do you hurt yourself?" he asked.

Will looked away "I-I....please go...." he whispered.

Jordan pulled away and looked up to Will "okay..." he began, but stopped for a moment to kiss the forehead of Will's head "but...I hope one day you can tell me" he said and left the room. As soon as the door swung shut, Will dropped to his knees in tears, the same thing screamed in his head over and over wishing he had told Jordan "I can deal with physical pain better than mental pain"

Will didn't get up to tell Jordan, he didn't even move to pull on his shirt, he simply brought his hand to his forehead where Jordan's lips had been and tried to remember the warm feeling that had spread all over his body when he did so.

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