The end that binds us

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(Italics are flashbacks)

Another night with broken hearts,

Perfumes lingering in the air,

But on this eventful evening,

Two souls;

Empty and hollow,

Saw a path and decided to follow.

Maybe the always knew,

Always knew how to go on and face their fears.

Maybe they chose to live in the dark,

Simply because one;

couldn't handle the pressure of being different.

And the other;

Wanted to be indifferent.

A night filled with euphoria, serenity.

And all things pretty.

seemed to fill the gaps between the mislead two.

*back to Dan's POV*

I ran too you, praying to all things holy

that you for just one second

would be drained of the courage that built up to let

you bravely jump.

I launched myself onto your ghost sitting on the edge of the bridge.

"I-I was never going to do it,"

You whispered.

"I-I couldn't,"

One by one, raindrops fell from your stormy eyes.

"I couldn't stay with you, I couldn't find a proper job, I couldn't make you h-happy. And I couldn't even j-jump!"

You shook your head at yourself, like a mad man.

"Dan I'm sorry; for building up all these walls that kept you from being open with me,"

We were skyping again.

"Phil there was once a man who broke his left side,

He's all right now"

You're laugh flooded my speakers at that instant,

And even I couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape my lips.

"Oh Phil your-"

And I stopped.

"Blinds aren't rolled down"

You laughed and told me to stop picking on you,

But from the look you were giving me,

I knew you knew that that wasn't what I wanted to say.

Oh Phil all I wanted to say was

your laugh was the only thing that could light up my day.

But I kept my mouth shut.

Because that moment was so delicate I didn't want tarnish it's beauty.

It turns out I stomped on it and completely burnt it.

By not telling you how I actually felt.

"I'm sorry for; leaving,"

Empty halls, seemed to scare me at this point.

I couldn't stand the absence of your footsteps.

And no matter how hard I tried, the absence was eating me away.

"I'm sorry for; running away,"

The empty room of yours was starting too haunt me,

When my phone buzzed,

I noticed it was you and tried so hard too contain my excitement when suddenly it stopped,

And I revived a text saying 'sorry I wasn't meant to call you'

My stomach dropped,

I guess you really don't think about me as much as I think about you.

"I'm sorry fo-"

"stop Phil, please s-stop,"

My entire body shook with sobs as I rested my head in your lap,

Our feet dangling above a 50 foot drop,

I felt your shaking hands rake through my hear as I continue too sob.

A drop of rain hit my cheek and I look up too see your watering eyes staring at me.

It wasn't rain, it was you.

But Phil you are rain, you give bring life to people, plants and trees.

Without rain we would all die.

Without you I would die.

Because Phil I'm just a small flower, that needs too be lead by you.


But I didn't let him finish.

"Phil I swear too god if you apologise one more time I'm going to-"

"I was actually going to say you're really beautiful,"


I look up too see you looking very confused and couldn't help but let a small laugh escape my lips, despite our current situation.

I laughed as your fingers left my hair too cover your face,

Soon you laughed with me too,

And I stared at you in awe,

"If this was the last memory I have before I die,

I want you too know that it's enough for me,

Because all that you are is all that I'll ever need."

And suddenly your lips crashed down onto mine.

The end.

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