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Imagine you get a text from Timmy asking you if you want to go tithe mall. You agree so he says that he will be there in an hour to come and get you.

You hear a honk outside as you are getting ready. You roll your eyes and laugh as you look out your window and see that it is Timmy, he's 25 minutes early. You grab your back and run downstairs, slipping your shoes on before jogging out to his car. You get into the passenger and he smiles at you. That smile always gives you butterflies, though you'd never admit it. Your guys' favorite song and you both sing along.

You get to the mall and start walking around, going in a few stores and just goofing around with your friend. After a while, and almost getting kicked out once or twice, you two decide to get some lunch. You guys head to the food court area to go to Chipotle. Deciding that you are both not super hungry and remembering that you are low on cash, you split a meal and drink.

As you too are chatting and picking at your food, a group of three girls walk by and giggle. As they walk away you both overhear them talking about how you guys make a cute couple. You're cheeks turn pink and Timmy just smiles, shaking his head. People mistake you both for a couple all the time, but you're sure it's only you who secretly wishes they were right.

As you are finishing up, the girls from before walk by again with food they had purchased. Timmy whispers "play along" in your ear, sliding his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek. You lean into his chest, partially to play up the little game that Timmy started and partially so he can't see how tomato red your cheeks have gotten. You earn a chorus of "aw's" from the passing girls and you both laugh to yourselves after they get out of earshot.

After throwing out your trash you start walking through the other side of the mall. You both take off running when you see the Zumiez. You both look around, ending up on opposite sides of the store. You gasp at a crew neck you found and Timmy comes running over after hearing you. It's the Glamour Kills crew neck that you have been looking for. Of course you would finally find it when you were out of money. Sighing, you got to put it back on the rack when Timmy grabs your wrist. He asks why you're putting it back, confused. You tell him that you are broke and that you'll just have to hope that you can come back for it before it's gone. He frowns and tells you that he is sorry. Timmy gets a new shirt and you both continue through the mall.

You see a Claire's and decide to go in and look. Timmy tells you that he has to pee and that he will be right back but you suspect he just doesn't want to stand around in Claire's while you browse. He comes back about 10 minutes later as you are getting ready to leave the store.

You see the time and decides that you should probably start making your way back to the car. Timmy seems unusually quiet as you walk out. Thinking back, he hasn't really been himself since lunch. You assume maybe the food made him sick. You both get in the car and start an awkwardly quiet drive home.

He pulls up to your house and you reach over to open the door when he asks you to wait. You stop and look at him questioningly. He reaches into the Zumiez bag by your feet and pulls out the crew neck you were looking at, explains that he got it while he said he was going to the bathroom as he hands it to you. You get a giant smile on your face and lean across to hug him, thanking him over and over.

You are about to get out again when he tells you that there is something else. You look back at him and he takes your hands in his, clearing his throat before starting to talk in a shaky nervous voice.

"Look, lately I've been feeling differently about you. When I see you, I don't really see a friend anymore. Then today at lunch when we pretended to be a couple for those girls, I realized me thoughts were right. I think I've fallen for you. You are beautiful and adorable and amazing. So now I am asking you, please be mine?"

He looks you dead in the eyes as he asks the question. Your hands are shaking and your whole body feels hot with adrenaline. Not being able to think of how to form words, you do the only thing you can think of. You lean in and gently press your lips to his. You can feel his lips turn into a smile as he kiss you back and pulls away. Then, laughing slightly, you just smile at him and think to yourself, finally.<3

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