Addicted: I was wrong.

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10 months later. 

     "Bray!" I called from the front door as I walked in and shut it. Today marked the 10 month aniversary of our wedding. It was quick really, I asked him to marry me, he said yes, and then three weeks later we got married ina small church in Niagra Falls. It wasn't your every day dream wedding, but for Braydon and I it was enough, that and we weren't waiting a year to finally be together forever. I walked up the stairs when I got no response, laughing as I heard the shower water running; it was obvious he couldn't hear me over the loud cackling of the shower head. I walked into our bedroom, taking off my shirt and starting to talk. Braydon and I loved taking showers together, it was always apart of our routine in the evenings when I would come home from work, and he would just need to relax. 

"You know... it's rude not to talk to me before I get into the shower with you, I could always make you wait until you say something before coming in.... would you prefer that?" I laughed, taking off my socks and walking naked into the flooded bathroom. Immediately I knew something was off, walking up to the tub I pulled back the shower curtain and gagged. Braydon was laying in the tub, wrists slashed, and body numb. I walked over to him, almost afraid before putting my fingers against his neck, and finally noticing that my husband, was no longer alive. 

     Looking back on it, I really should have noticed the signs. Withdrawl, saying good bye, the self loathing, so I guess I haven't changed that much since Braydon came into my life, I'm still the worthless, stuck up bastard that I used to be, except now, I'm older, and have lived through a lot more than I had at the time. Friendships came and went, my parents started to accepted, and my husband, well... if you've been following the story for this long, you know what I went through with him. As I sit here writing this in our apartment, his scent still lingers on our sheets, his clothes still hung in our closet, and his journal wrapped tightly in my arms. I know why he did it, I know why he had to leave this world, and it wasn't because of me, well, it was, but not really, now see  I have this problem, getting over my husband, because to Braydon, I will forever, and always be addicted.

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