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Warning: Being as this story is set in the early 16th century there will be something many of you will not be used to. This story is rated PG-13 for a reason. This is an upfront warning, if you are not comfortable with violence, blood and guts, vulgar language and possible sexual situations it would be in your best interest to not read this story. With that said, I do not want comments on how that shouldn't be in the story because it is 'too much' or 'inappropriate'.

Also... most of this story has already been written, that being said it is up to you, the readers, of how fast the story is uploaded. Comments and votes are all a part of this, as well as how many times the story has been read. I will up load the first chapter sometime today (July 16, 2013) when I have time. And without further adieu, here is the excerpt to our story, Archer.

"She's a lot tougher than you think," Peter spoke looking up at Luke from his table at the pub. Luke chuckled before guzzling down the foaming ale in his glass.

"You've never even met the girl Peter, how would you know? From what I've heard he's nothing more than a thief waiting to be caught." Luke eyed Peter before leaning in closer, "Be careful what you say in crowded places Pete, you never know who might be listening, and what might get back to our dear King Henry." Peter followed his gaze to fellow soldiers sitting at a table a few feet from them, men that would do anything to get the Captain of the Guard knocked off his high horse next to the king. The smug looking men finished their ale before tossing a few coins on the table and sauntering out of the pub. Peter could barely hear the men mount their horses and ride off over the loud cackle and hollering of the men and women inside. His gut twisted in that moment. At that very moment he knew everything would soon come crumbling down around him, he had to find Arianna before the king did.

"Luke," he jumped from his chair knocking it to the floor, "I have to find her. Before the King does." Luke's green eyes narrowed slightly before he nodded so softly it was almost imperceptive.

"Go out, ride into the forest, I'll be right behind you."Luke turned away from Peter pulled a woman closer to him, whispering something in her ear. She smiled wickedly before taking his hand and pulling him through the crowd of people to the stairs. Luke turned one last time to see Peter leaving the pub, clad in a black hood and cape, "God speed my brother."

ArcherUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum