~ One shot ~

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My life begun to go to hell, I could feel it... It all started when I had my first and last love when I was 16 and that I can remember is that their was a boy named Youngjae, we were best friends and one day he smiled at me and I smiled back. It felt like we looked in each other's eyes for ages, and I couldn't stop look at him. And then he started to laugh. I could feel my face and ears turn red and get hot like fire.

People started to throw food on me because they saw the eye contact me and Youngjae had and started to scream "Faggot".
I ran to the toilet in a corner where no one walks too and started to cry... "Am I that disgusting..?"

When i calmed myself down I got out from the toilet and looked at the clock... "12:43" I'm going to be 15 minutes late again...

When i got to math class everyone was looking at me.

"And why are you late?" My math teacher asked.

"I need to talk to the school nurse..." I answered.

"Okey, go and sit at your seat and i will send a mail to your parents that you are 15 minutes late" She glared at me like she wanted to kill me.

"Yes ma'am..." I answered.

When school ended I waited for him... my love...

But he isn't my like boyfriend, because he don't even know that i like boys and not girls... and he only thinks me as his best friend...

"Hi..." He smiled when he greeted me.

I looked into his eyes and said "Are you going somewhere with your friends today or are we going home together?"

He just looked at me and said "Why are you so cold..? Why are you so sad, have i done something that hurted you?"

"No..." I said and walked away.

I wanted to cry i wanted him to hug me...

Why can't we just be kids when i didn't fall in love with him..? Or when we could kiss each other without someone looking weird at us...

I don't think that i can love someone else than him. He has always been by my side since we were kids. We have always told each other's secrets... but this time I haven't told him that I love him, and it kills me. But I don't want him to think that I'm disgusting...

When I got home i looked into the kitchen and saw my dad lying on the floor. The broke coffeecup was lying beside him and the coffee splashed everywhere.

I ran to him screamed his name a few times but didn't get any respond. When i could feel how cold his body was the tears rolled down my eyes.

I got up took my phone and called Youngjae. After a few times when i called, he still didn't answer I started to cry more. I ran outside and screamed for help, but people just watched me like i was a creep.

"Damn you people don't you know what life is you god damn people!" I screamed and ran into the house and started to get panic, "Okay, lets breath and call 911.."

"Hi this is 911, what can i help with?"

"Hi... my dad are lying o-on the fl-oor and he is not breathing and he i-is cold like ice... " I started to cry and couldn't hold my balance.

"Okay, take deep breathes and stay calm I'm going to send an ambulance to you they will come in a few minutes, do you want me to stay on the phone with you?"

"N-no... it's ok-okay..."

"Are you sure?"

"Ye-yes" I said and hung up the phone.

I ran into the kitchen again.

"Dad, everything is going to be all right. I promise, I love you dad..."

I could hear the sirens from the ambulance. I stood up and watched them when they took my dad into the wan.


"Excuse me, I'm sorry that I have to tell you this but your father is dead... I'm sorry, do you need someone to talk with now..? Or do you want to be alone?"

"I'm alright by myself..."

"Jaebum... Jaebum... It's me your dad."

I opened my eyes... "Dad" I said and looked at him in the eyes and hugged him.

"Jaebum, I want to show something to you, come." He said and smiled.

When we suddenly got into the bedroom I could see my mom... I started to cry. "Dad, why are you showing this to me... haven't mom already died?" I cried.

"She have but I just want you to know that I'm with your mom now so you don't have to worry about me and your mother anymore. We will watch over you. We love you and will always love you..." He said and disappeared.


I could feel someone hold me... I woke up in a shock and saw Youngjae.

"You-youngjae... Why are you here..?"

"I tried to call you almost a hundreds times, when you didn't answer I got worried so I took a taxi and ran inside the house and heard you screaming and was moving like you were hurt. So i tried to wake you up..."

"Oh..." I said and stood up and was on my way to the kitchen.

"Where their something important when you called me..?"
"My dad died..." I said and looked into his eyes and smiled with wreckt eyes from crying...

He looked at me and I could see tears falling down his eyes.

"Why are you crying? I'm the one who is supposed to cry." I said and smiled.

"I-it's because I feel sad with you, and then I think about when you cry and I hate when I see you crying.

I smiled and pulled out my arms to show that I wanted a hug.

He hugged me and whispered "I'm here with you, everything is okay, I will be beside you forever..."

I hugged him tighter and said "Do you promise me that you are going to stay with me?"

"Yes I promise."


The next morning i woke up on the couch and saw Youngjae beside me, I touched his lips, i slowly got up to kiss his lips. I could feel my heart beat faster and my face get red... But I didn't care, as longest I could kiss him and feels his lips on mine.

When my lips touched his lips he slowly opened his eyes, he looked into my eyes, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I tried to pull myself from his arms but failed.

"Why do you hug me? Let me go..."

"Why would I? Weren't you the one who kissed me?" he smiled and hugged me tighter.

I looked away while blushing.

"I love you" he said a kissed me on the forehead.

I blushed, "I l-love you t-too.."

"Aren't we disgust..?" I asked while starting to cry.

"No, why would we?" He asked and looked weird at me.

"B-Because it's two boys and not boy and girl... And i thought that you only loved girls and not boys..."

"You know that you can't hide yourself from me, I already knew that you liked me." He said and smiled at me.

"How... How did you know?" I asked and looked back at him.

"I can see it when you look at me and other people, when you look at other people you make a disgusting face but when you see me does it look like light in your eyes."

Maybe my life wasn't that bad after all.

2jae love storyWhere stories live. Discover now