Shoulders To Lean On (Kuroo x Depressed!Reader x Kenma)

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I did write this in a platonic mindset, but I suppose you could take it in a romantic subtext too :/ Anyways, please enjoy this! ~S

"What's wrong?" Kenma asked you after you sighed for what must have been at least the sixth time since you, Kenma and Kuroo got on the train. You looked up, eyes wide and feigning innocence when you looked up at him. "Hmm? Sorry I didn't hear you." You smiled sheepishly and held up your phone to show the home page of a game that you were "playing". In reality you weren't really trying on it, you were just trying to ignore the empty feeling in your chest. It made it hard to breathe, difficult to feel emotions and nearly impossible to smile.

"You were sighing a lot, (Y/N). You've been like this for a few weeks now. Is something wrong?" Kuroo asked. You opened your mouth to spout out what normally came out when anyone asked if you were okay. "Yeah, I'm completely f-"

"Don't lie to us, (Y/N), it's not very nice." Kenma cut you off before you could continue your sentence. You opened your mouth again to retort when he turned his game off and raised his gaze to look you directly into your eyes. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise all by themselves. He must be really serious then, he turned his game off. You thought.

Biting your lip and frowning, you nodded before looking away. "I'll... I'll tell you when we get off at the station, ok? There's just... Too many people around right now." Your (Eye Colour) eyes darted around anxiously at the other passengers in the car. The two boys nodded in unison and didn't pester you about it anymore. One thing you liked so much about Kuroo and Kenma, they could be serious when needed.

Despite this, though, you still felt nervous about telling them how you felt. You're a pretty introverted person, and opening up to people, even your two best friends, made you uncomfortable. You'd rather listen to other people's problems and give them advice than the other way around.

A few minutes later, the train slowed down and stopped at your guys' station. You gritted your teeth, grabbed your bag and stood up with the other two. You exited the train and walked out of the station and down the street a little before Kuroo spoke up. "Let's go to (Random Café Name) for milkshakes. We can grab a back table and talk there." You quickly glanced at Kenma before nodding in agreement. "Okay."

During the five minutes it took you to walk there, you tried to formulate in your mind how exactly you should tell your two best friends you'd been feeling depressed and overall horrible for a few months. How exactly do you tell someone that? Hey, by the way most mornings I wake up wishing I were dead? I don't leave my house because I feel inferior to everyone else? I'm so insecure about my body that I lied about having a stomach bug so that I wouldn't have to eat in front of anyone? How the fuck-

"(Y/N), we're here." You looked up, startled, and the lights shining onto the darkening streets from the big front windows of the café. "O-oh. Sorry. Yeah." You stumbled over your words and blinked before walking in, thanking Kuroo for holding the door open.

Once you were all inside, you immediately looked around for the most isolated spot you could find in the café to sit in. "Let's sit there." You pointed to a back booth and was far away from everyone.

After ordering some fries and milkshakes, you were about to distract them from the reason they were there by asking them about their next volleyball tournament when Kuroo leaned forward and laced his fingers together, leaning his chin on them. "So, (Y/N), tell us what's going on."

Crap. He cut right to the chase. You thought, sweatdropping a little. "I-I've just been stressed with school, and my family life isn't doing that well." You lied, digging your nails into your palms underneath the table. You hated lying to your best friends, but you also hated talking about your problems.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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Shoulders To Lean On (Kuroo x Depressed!Reader x Kenma)Where stories live. Discover now