Yoho Sebastian AKA really gay pirates

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The first thing Draco notices as he wakes up is the not-silence that encases him.

He can hear creaking and swishing and .... voices? chattering, discussing, shouting loudly.

Grumbling indignantly he untangles himself from his covers and gets up, ignoring the fact that he is apparently dressed in a nightshirt and the annoying pounding of his skull.

Luckily he locates his clothing not far of on a seat in the corner. Swearing softly -what would your father think, Draco?- he dresses himself and balances against the swaying motions of the room.
He must have hit his head harder than he thought.

Then he stretches carefully, taking in the small room, filled with knickknacks of all kinds and a window in one corner. Draco staggers close to it and peeks out of the tiny round hole. Just to promptly jump back.

The swaying is real. The creaking and swishing is not his imagination playing him tricks.

He is on a ship. And even more so, he is on open water.

His father will hear about this.

He shakes his head slowly and cautiously opens the door of the tiny cabin... and is abruptly blinded by sunlight. Blinking carefully he adjust to the sudden brightness and makes out the forms of a ship.
And men.
Half naked men.
Draco gulps.

"Die Prinzessin ist endlich aus ihrem Schlaf erwacht!"(1), someone calls and Draco understands enough German that he bristles like a cat and drawls that he is no princess thank-you-very-much.

Someone laughs behind him and he hears a voice telling the German guy -Ulfric- to shut the fuck up basically. The voice is male and sends shivers down Draco's spine and somehow it reminds him of freedom. And then he remembers.

"You are pirates!", he exclaims, jumping back into a firm body and wow he should maybe concentrate on escaping. As if.

The voice laughs again. "Astute observation, oh my Lord Malfoy.", the guy answers and Draco turns around to tell him off and... completely loses his train of though as he kind of creepily stares into eyes that are as green as the sea surrounding them and put his mothers emeralds to shame too.

The young man is perhaps around Draco's age but the slight beard makes him appear older, rugged and rebellious.
He has chaotic, black hair that make Draco's fingers itch to put it into order and tanned skin, adorned with scars and tattoos and the ever present burning mark. -P for pirate, Draco, my son. Avoid them at all costs. Especially the captain of the Green Siren-.

"I am Captain Harry Black, owner and captain of the Green Siren. Welcome aboard, oh unwilling passenger. We kidnapped you, so that your father can pay you free against a ransom almost as pretty as you are.", he purrs, green eyes glinting with amusement and something like lust.

Well, fuck., Draco thinks and sighs unhappily, ignoring the way his trousers tighten at the way the captain is eyeing him.

But the pirates are surprisingly if a bit suspiciously nice to him over the next few weeks they sail the seas.

And his father has not yet sent out a troupe to search him. He ignores -yet again, but it is so much harder this time- the pang in his heart at the notion that yes, his father might be glad that his son, who is that way, has vanished off the earth.

The captain is a gentleman and teaches Draco how to properly sparr without faltering, lets him read the old books in his cabin and shows him the maps of the sea and the isles and enthouses about the sights they have seen and Draco kind of falls in love with the way the green eyes twinkle with happiness.

And the way the captain touches him, reminds him to follow his own compass if he is lost, splaying a broad, warm hand across Draco's chest and Draco can't ignore the way his own heart speeds up, that traitorous organ.

It has been two months and his father is still silent and Draco has had enough.

This evening when they sparr, Draco holds nothing back and soon both he and the captain are sweaty and panting, the air charged with something Draco is too afraid to admit.

-You have been afraid your whole life, Draco. Why aren't you brave for this one time?-

The captain looks at him and stretches out a hand which Draco grasps it without hesitation, deciding to be brave.

Later that night, Draco, spent and panting, lies on the captains bed, listening to his steady heartbeat and tracing his tanned skin, the scars, the tattoos and the p with careful fingers, feeling the other man shudder underneath his fingertips as he carefully lifts the captain's wrist to his mouth and kisses it. A smile plays at the corners of his mouth.

"Your eyes are the colour of smoke and of precious metals..", the captain whispers into the silence, gently combing his fingers through Draco's hair and he cannot help but purr softly.

"And your skin and hair are like moonlight... so pale and beautiful..", the dark haired man muses, admiring the contrast between their skins.

Draco's smile widens a fraction and he sort of makes himself a little more comfortable on the captain's chest. "Thank you, Captain Black.", he whispers, not willing to disturb what ever this is.

A brief silence follows and Draco wonders if the captain has fallen asleep, almost succumbs to sleep too and then:

"You may call me Harry."

(1): translates to: the princess is finally awake!

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