Estonia's Punisment

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It was what was considered a normal day in the Russia Estate. The screams off the Baltic's could be heard. Soft screams, loud screams, fainted screams. Today they were mostly coming from an Estonian.

Russia laughed at their pain. Smiling ear to ear. The fear on Estonia's face was priceless. Russia whipped all over his back to his stomach. Normally Latvia would have this punishment but Russia wanted to 'turn the tables' as they would call it.

Latvia couldn't help but cry for his brother. Lithuania tried to calm him down but nothing worked. Latvia could tell there was a whip involved. He knew those screams all to well. The two Baltic countries feared that Russia might shatter Estonia. Estonia's frame was too skinny and frail to withstand so much pain.

Belarus and Ukraine ignored the screams and continued their normal work or complained about problems. Russia was glad Belarus had stopped her proposing once she found out what he was doing to the three Baltic states.

Russia was very sadistic. He could watch all the people around him fall and not cry. He sees people has bugs. Things that just get so annoying and in the way. But Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania seemed to calm it. May it be their pain or the person itself.

Russia looked at Estonia and treasured the memory of blood dripping from his head, mouth, back, chest, and Side. The blood of Estonia pooled around him. Estonia fell forward, not touching ground because of chains restraining him.

"You look very tired, da"

Estonia didn't respond due to his present state. Russia got angry from the lack of response. He grabbed Estonia by the collar and made him face his face. His violet eyes looking into the twilighted eyes.

"Can't you respond?"

Estonia tried to speak but ended up coughing up blood. He collapsed again, angering the cold man above him.

"It's not nice to ignore me, da"


He was able to manage those three words before coughing again.

"Did I go to far?"

The Russian looked at the Estonian and kicked him in his shin. He stared to beat him with his legs and pipe. Estonia started to black out. The blood on the floor puddled has he flew against it. When Russia finally finished beating him he untied Estonia and gave him his shirt back.

"If you are late for dinner I won't hesitate to do this to you right in the kitchen"

The coldness of his voice made Estonia shiver. He quickly got on his shirt and limped out of the room almost passing out. When he arrived to dinner he sat down quickly trying to avoid his brothers.

As soon as the others arrived Latvia gasped. Estonia's clothes were drenched in blood and his hair was stained along with his clothes. His eyes were wide and his skin pale.

Latvia ran over to him and hugged him tightly. Estonia fell was quickly caught by Latvia.

"Brother are you okay?!" The Latvian asked with great concern in his voice.

"I'm fine, Just a little dizzy, that's all"

Latvia didn't believe how far Russia had gone in punishing Estonia. Latvia never had gotten this worse after punishment. Or was it because he was to small.

"Let's eat" Called a all to well known voice.

They all dug into their plates eating except for Estonia. He ate very slowly trying to make an effort to eat fast.

"Estonia eat faster!" Demanded the Russian.

Estonia tried to do as the Russia said but ended up coughing up blood instead.
Russia glared at him giving him a warning. Estonia was too late he disobeyed his rules. He was gonna have to pay.

"Estonia get up and come towards me!"

Latvia and Lithuania became wide eyed. They couldn't believe how badly Estonia was being treated.

Belarus and Ukraine never came down to dinner so Russia had a freedom to do has ever he pleased to Estonia.

"Take off your shirt and close your eyes"

He did as told. Latvia and Lithuania tried to ignore the scene in front of them as they ate.

"Latvia, Lithuania! Stay here till I'm done with Estonia"

They obliged looking down into their laps. Russia yanked Estonia into his lap stroking him with his hands. He soon pushed Estonia onto his knees and forced him to hold his own weight.

'Please help me' Estonia thought to himself out loud.

"What was that? Talking to yourself won't help you, da"

Russia started to unbutton Estonia's pants. Estonia wouldn't move, to afraid to move. Russia then pulled his pants off throwing them over to the other side off the room.

Estonia had tears dripping down his face. He knew what was to come next. Russia started to undress himself off course leaving his scarf on. Russia's large body covered Estonia's small one.

Russia soon had both there boxers off. He started to insert himself raw into Estonia. He cried out in pain. Russia smiled at the sudden reaction from Estonia.

He soon started moving back and forth. Latvia and Lithuania did the best they could to block out the noise. Until they heard Estonia pleading for Russia to stop. They felt bad for the country.

Russia soon stopped, carrying Estonia bridal style too the table. Estonia had passed out and was laid on the table.

"Did I hurt him that bad?" Russia asked himself aloud.

Latvia and Lithuania had dear written on their faces. They were worried for what was to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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