14 0 0

501st Base, Brittania

JBL, Cole, Booker, and Lawler was going to the dining room, for coffee. They stopped, seeing

Alberto Del Rio runnig, looking over his shoulder, in fear. Perinne ran after him, in a

wedding dress, shouting, " DEL RIO COME BACK HERE, AND MARRY ME!"

Then, Nipa passed by, with Dean Ambrose muttering, " Sweater, sweater." Suddenly, JBL and

Lawler did the same thing. " Not you guys.", whined Cole.

In the briefing lounge, Minna stood before the other Witches. " I wish to announce, The General

Manager for Smackdown. It is..", she let her statement hang. As Perinne tried to stand,

Minna said, " ERICA HARTMANN!" Then, the Blonde Gallian fainted.

Looking at the camera, Minna said, " Welcome, to Strike Witches meets SMACKDOWN!"

The arena pyro went off, and Cole said, " Welcome to WWE Smackdown! Michael Cole, with

JBL, Booker T, and Jerry Lawler. Welcome to this special edition."

"And, our General Manager, Erica Hartmann!", JBL said. " Now, our first match!", said Cole.

* Bell rings* " Ladies and Gentlemen, From Karlsland..", said Lilian Garcia.

( BIOS, plays )

" It's Christina Barkhorn!", said Cole.

( Charolette Flair Theme )

" By order of Erica Hartmann, RIC FLAIR IS BARRED FROM RINGSIDE!", Garcia announced.

" Hartmann can't do this!", said JBL. " Oh, and having Ric Flair at ringside, is O.K.?", asked

Cole. Needless to say, Charolette didn't stand a chance.

Backstage, Del Rio was still running, until he wrapped his arms around Sanya. " See, Loco girl.

Found me a ' real ' Senorita.", he said to Perinne. " TAKE YOUR HANDS, OFF SANYA!!!", screamed

Elia. He looked behind himself again, and seen the Sumonous Witch running up to him,

with a Kendo Stick. Suddenly, Del Rio started to run again. " Del Rio, since you put your hands on

Sanya, you get a match, WITH THE BIG SHOW!", said Hartmann.

" Seems like, Del Rio broke the cardinal rule, of being here, ' Don't touch Sanya!' ", said JBL.

( Del Rio's music )

( Big Show's music )

Needless to say, Del Rio got a quick coma.

Backstage, Sakamoto was wearing a referee shirt. " Mio Sakamoto, looks hot!", said JBL.

" JBL, you are not going to flirt with her!", said Cole. " Besides, she carries a Katana!", replied


( Paige music plays )

( Gertrud Barkhorn, Strike Witches 2 op)

Needless to say, it was a time limit draw.

" Our Main Event is coming up!", said Cole.

Perinne sneaked up to, ' Del Rio's' locker room. But, when she opened the door...

" You are like, Venus de Milo. MARRY ME! ", said Stardust. Perinne screamed, and ran off.

As, Del Rio appeared, and ripped off his name plate, from Stardust's Locker Room, he turned from

his handy work, and Erica was there.

" Since, you think you are funny, you will go one on one with, WWE Champion, Roman Reigns, and

Christina Barkhorn, in a one on two mixed handicap match. Good Luck.", she said.

( Roman Reigns theme )

( BIOS plays )

Needless to say, Del Rio never stood a chance.

" That's it for Smackdown! Good night!", said Cole.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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