Is It Over * Very Sad*

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Jamie's POV

I has been a week since Missy and Dee have talked I think something is wrong because I have not seen either of them since that night. I really love Missy. She is like a sister to me. Giggles and I went over to Missy's house. I open the door to see Missy lying on the couch with a bunch of pizza and one of Dee's sweatshirts on.

Jamie: Missy how long have you been here?

Missy: The whole week.

Giggles: Get up boo.

Missy: No I miss him so much. *crying*

*Missy gets a call*

*Phone call*

Missy: Hello

Caller: Hello, is this Dorian's girlfriend?

Missy: Yes this is she.

Caller: Well Mrs.*last name* Dorian is in the hospital.

Missy: What happened to him? *freighted*

Caller: He tried to kill himself by cutting his wrist and legs.

*End of phone call*

Giggles & Jamie: What happened Missy?

Missy: He tried to kill himself. *Cries*

*We all drive to the hospital as we walk into his room and I run to him*

Missy: Dorrian baby please walk up, I love you so much.

Dee: Baby you're here.

Missy: I will always be here.

Dee: I'm sorry baby.

Missy: *Crying* Why did you do this to yourself.

Dee: I love you too much to lose you.

Missy: No Dee you don't have to do this. It wasn't worth it; I am not worth it.

Dee: Yes you are. I love you so much Missy, please don't leave me.

Missy: Baby I love you I'm not gonna leave.
*I kiss him softly*

Dee: I guess we are the dream couple.

Missy: I guess we are *smiles weakly and giggles a little*

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