-Chapter 2-

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I walked sillently as the cool winds nipped at my cheeks, making them tint pink. My hands were stuffed in deep in my jean pockets as I looked around at the new houses that would soon look very familiar to me. I was walking along the sidewalk the outlined the forest. It was a nice feeling, being out of the constant heat in California. At least, thats what it was like where I lived.

As I was walking I reached a path at the edge of the trees, that seemed to go far into the forest. I hadn't done any research on this town before I came here, so I had no idea if the woods were dangerous or not.

They must be fine if there's a pathway, that means others go in here. I thought, then my concience started talking. What if it was made by a creeoy rapist dude trying to attract curious teens? Or a serial killer trying to attract kids? 

I shrugged, "Yolo." That was the excuse I always said to myself when I was about to do something stupid. But it wouldn't be stupid if the woods were fine, would it? Exactly. I stepped off the sidewalk and onto the path. Everything was green, and most of the trees were covered in moss. The sun was already starting to drop and I could feel the air already getting colder than it already was. I shivered and pulled my hood up covering my snapback, so that it helped keep my face warm.

I had been walking for atleast ten minutes and the trail was starting to get smaller, but I hadn't noticed because I was constantly watching the sky. I loved watching the colors mix during sunsets and sunrises.

The sun was completely gone now, and it was very dark, but I kept walking. It was so dark I didn't even notice that the trail had ended and I was walking blind. Great. I didn't even think about my phone, even though it had a flashlight and I was lost. Don't worry, I already know I'm stupid.

I tried not to get paranoid when I started hearing noises around me that didn't sound like nighttime animals. Most of the time it was my foot cracking a twig, or the pounding of my feel when I stumbled, but occasionaly I would stop and look around and a twig would snap without me even moving. My breath caught in my throat when I heard noises not far behind me. It sounded like footsteps, and I wasn't moving at all. They were distant at first but then they got closer. Yeah, this was definately a stupid idea.

It was completely dark now so I had to trust my ears to find which direction the footsteps were coming from now. I turned when I pin pointed the general direction of the stranger. I gasped when I saw a glowing blue light that looked to be in the shape of a human torso and a weird big gun that looked like those Nerf things on T.V. and in stores.

But I didn't care. I ran. For a second the stranger didn't move, but then he started to run after me. If he hadn't seen me before he definately did now. Great. I'm so stupid, I should have stayed still!

I turned my head to look behind me and saw that he was catching up with me. I let out a shriek of fear and pushed my legs harder.

     "Wait!" He called behind me. He sounded like a human boy, around my age. But he could be an Alien that changed his voice or something. My concience is stupid sometimes, but it was a possiblility. So I kept running. I knew he was still following because I could hear his footsteps thumping on the ground. I reached a little clearing and in the middle was something that looked like a large abandoned tree house.

I didn't hesitate. I rushed to the tree and looked for a ladder or even a rope that could help me into the tree house. I had just found a knotted rope and was about to grab it when a heavy body crashed into mine. I let out a loud yelp of surprise and tried to get away, but he had my arms pinned to the ground and his knees were straddling my waist. He panted for a second and I would feel his cool breath on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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