Don't Leave without saying 'goodbye'

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Liza's POV

I was sitting at verandah when I saw a guy sitting at my neighbour's verandah reading a comic. His face seems so serious reading that comic. So funny, then I saw Irene waving at me and joining me sitting at the verandah.

"Hai Liza," she greet.

"Oh Irene! what a suprise, I am so happy you come" I said then she saw the guy at the other verandah.

"Liza who's that? never see him before"she ask.

"Dunno, I also saw him this afternoon, he already three hour there reading that comic" I said.

"Maybe he is a friend of bro Awie," she guessing. I shrug my shoulder signaling that I also have no idea who he is.

"Liza! can you help me give this green bean porridge to Awie's house?" ask mom.

My eyes widening looking at Irene, she's grin at me... Oh you little brat friend..

"go, go.. I wait here..hihihi" "come company me" "no, I just arrived and you seems like asking me to go..huuuu" "ishk, Not like that...I-I just shy when someone I dont even know at that place.." pointing at Awie's house. The guy looking at us with puzzle.. Ngaaaa!

Donnie's POV

I saw a girl sitting there while she is also looking at me then she looked away, I was amazed with her innocent face. She is so lovely, I feel my heart beating so fast and I can't concentrate at my reading. Then I saw another girl waving at her and sit beside her, they looking at me with puzzle. I continue at my reading I can't stand and look at them again. shock! why is she pointing at me? Haha I saw her face blushing, so cute I really want to know her. I need to know her name, I can't wait to open my mouth just to ask her. 

Wait, what? why? she's walking away. Where is she going? No, Don't leave.. please... I need to know your name.

Liza's POV

Ugh! you are so mean Irene. Slowly I walk to Awie's house, standing infront the stairs of the house looking at the guy that seems ignoring me. Clearing my throat. "ehem uuhhh.. ehm excuse me." He look at me with a face that no expression at all but a little fluttering. "err is Awie home?" I ask him. "Oh yes he's home, wait.." he enter the house and I hear he's calling for Awie. Then Awie came out.. "ooh Liza.. what bring you here?" "umm this... mom ask me to give it to you" handling him the porridge. "oh lovely, thanks.."he smilling. "welcome," I wave at him and walking home. The guy is staring at me while I was talking to Awie. Hooooo his eyes make me blushing, my heart pounding fast and hard. My slow walk become faster and I was running to my house and ignoring Irene I enter the door.

"hei, hei Liza.. wait up" she follow me inside.

"Shoot me Irene! shoot me!" I yelled at her making she widening her eyes. My mom rush to me asking me what was happened. Then I realized what happen I make them shock. I chuckle to them. "hihihi no nothing happen I just kidding" the two of them widening their eyes and grab me shacking me hardly untill I brust out my laugh also my mom and my best friend Irene. We are laughing until I hear the telephone ringing. Irene the one who pick up the phone.

"Hello, ... oh no, no, I'm not Liza, Sorry you want to talk to her? hold on" I walk beside her, she give me the phone I look at her asking with a signal, 'who?' she shook her head.

"Hello, Liza?" "Yes, sorry who's on the line please" asking politely. 

"Its me Donnie.. Um sorry maybe you don't know me, but I saw you this afternoon sitting at your verandah" 

"huh?? where? when?... wait don't tell me that you the one who at Awie's house"

"yes you're right, thats me.." he chuckle. I feel my face hot I'm blushing.

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