Episode 8

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  The guard, Pablo I think, led me through some brightly lit hallways. We walked in silence, the only sound present was the sound of our footsteps and the faint sound of music; echoing all throughout the hall. I kept looking at the cream coloured walls, and the ornaments that hang from them. I traced in my mind the path back to the entry hall but that was harder than it seems. The layout of the castle was maze like; without Pablo, I would probably get lost.

  And why do have a strange feeling that that's the point. Ever since we left the others, I've been trying to avoid eye contact with the guard. I don't why or what but, there was something off about the tall, dark haired man. Was it his unusual accented voice? or his almost golden amber eyes? What about the way the light doesn't reflect off his skin.

  Lost in my thoughts and clearly not looking where I was going; I walked into a wall. The impact resulted in me falling backwards, and I was waving my arms as I fought to stay upright. Looking back I saw Pablo, a few paces behind, looking at me with a smug grin.

  As I steadied my self, guard leaned against the wall "The arch's just through here." He said pointing down the corridor. "Don't worry," he continued "you'll know it when you see it." And with that he turned and left, leaving me there. Alone.

  Not wanting to keep an Archmage waiting, I walked quickly down the corridor. The light coloured walls transitioned into dark gray walling. The once bright lamps dimmed with every passing doorway.

  After some time, I came to a stop. The door next to me had a plain indigo banner hanging on it. The light from the lamp hinted to a small doorknob. Clutching it in one hand, I knock on the door. Nothing happened. Taking a deep breath I, slowly, turned the knob.

  The creak was deafening, as it echoed against the walls. Poking my head through the gap, I felt a cold wind brush against me. I blinked my eyes a couple odd times in order to adjust to the darkness of the room; compared to this the lighting in the hall seems bright.

  Holding out my arm I walked forward. No more than a few steps in I felt something smooth, before transitioning to something more textured. Books, as the faint outline tells me, lots and lots of books. I traced the spine of one, wonder what's contents were inside it. Then I heard a popping sound. Looking back forward, I continued; the floorboards creaking, slightly, with each step.

  Peeking behind the case I saw a table, lit up by some candles, with papers and books scattered on it. To the side of it was a mess of glass tubing, viles and flasks with bubbling liquid inside. Feeling relaxed by the light, I went over to the setup and started to observed it. Suddenly I heard a muffled sound. Quickly Turing to its direction, I saw from some drapes a figure emerge.

  It was a man with elegantly decorated robes. He had a well trimmed beard and long hair tied in a ponytail; streaks of gray ran through his dark brown hair. He looked at me with vibrant green eyes.

  "Well," he said with a rounded voice "you must be the boy I've been told about, Delrune was it?"

  "Yes teacher." I said as he walked past me.

  He looked at me with the same look the others give at times, before pulling some tea cups from a cupboard.

  "Would you like some tea? It honey." He asked while clearing the desk. I nodded and he poured me a cup.

  He sat down in a cushioned chair and motioned for me to do the same. I complied and sat. We both stared at each other in silence. Before the arch took a drink from his cup. Taking my tea as well, I looked at the golden brown syrup as it swirled in the cup. Bring the rim to my lips, I found satisfaction as the sweet liquid slid down my dry throat.

  "So," he started; putting his tea down "what can I do for you."

  "Teacher, I'm not sure of you capabilities but, I ask for your help." I say, looking to my feet. He looks curiously at me "Hmm?"

  After a brief pause I continue, "As you may tell, I am lost - lost in this unknown world, I don't understand how things here work, and I keep having these black outs - my friend believes it might be influx, but we-... I don't know. It's just, please, please help me."

  Nearing the end of it I felt my voice rise. I avoid his eyes in case I have disrespected him. After what felt like hours, I felt his hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw him looking at my hands then looking back to me.

 "May I?" He asked. I nodded and he started to unbind the bandages around my wrist.

  Still holding my wrist, he flattened his other hand. Holding it ever steady, his palm started to illuminate, then light. A small flame now laid on his hand. Bringing it closer to my hand, he carefully let it fall into my palm.

  The soft glow was comforting, and in a way familiar. As I tilt my hand, the flame rolls gracefully in my palm. The hues were of a perfect amber red, and though no smoke rose, ember gently floated upwards.

  Suddenly I felt a pain in my lower arms and my vision became blurry on the edges. My first impulse was to drop the flame on the floor, but I instead I closed my fist; trapping it inside. In place of a roaring heat there was a fresh feeling ice. When I opened my hand the flame was no longer there; not even embers remain.

   Looking back up to ask the point of the exercise, I found the Mage starring off into space. Leaning slightly I overheard him mumbling strings of words that made no sense to my ears.

  I cleared my throat, which brought him out of his trance, and ask "Um... Teacher, are you ok?"

  "Hmm?" He said looking at me a little dazed "Oh, don't worry about me child just, lost in thought." Sitting up he put a heavy eye on me "Now," he said garbling my shoulders "Are you ready to go home?"

  My hands were shaking as I smiled, go home? That would be amazing but, would it still be the same. Especially without- No. I banished these thoughts from my head, what mattered was now and what happened next.

 The arch chuckled and his eyes shined. Releasing his grip on me he stood up and opened the curtains he entered from earlier. "Come on boy, there is so much we need to discuss." 

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