Chapter 3

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Omg! More than a hundred views! Im literally crying rn.  c:
Anw, decided to update coz y'all are awesome. *thumbs up*

Arriving at home I was greeted with silence which means mom is definitely not home yet. Placing my bag on the couch and then going to the kitchen to find something to feed the monster that is my stomach.

Opening the fridge to see it completely empty is saddening. Life without food is so dull. Sighing, I went to the living room to grab my phone and text mom.

To: The woman who gave birth2me 💚

Mother, the fridge is empty and it's really sad to see it that way so I'm going to the store to buy some grocery. Using the "Incase of emergency" card u gave me since no food IS considered an emergency. Love you x

- Ur goddess of a daughter

After sending it to her, i went up to my room to change coz' my feet are killing me and I prefer grocery shopping in comfortable clothes. Opening my closet and changing into a pair of gray sweats and a white v-neck shirt then grabbing my black vans, I went downstairs.

Opening my empty fridge again so I can recall what I need to buy and such. Still a sad view but I had to do it. After determining what I needed to buy I finally went outside and lock the door.

Shít! Hold up. I'm fudging new here. Where in damn Daniel's name is the goddamn store?! Ugh. Annoyed with myself I decided to just ask around.

Walking around I saw a lady walking on the sidewalk. Okay kath approach the lady. All you have to do is ask. I talked to myself. And remember don't be a creep.

Approaching the lady on the sidewalk, I tapped her back and she turns around with a smile.

"Hi, can i help you?" She asks me

"Uh, yeah. Can you tell me where's the nearest store here?" I tell her.

"Sure thing sweetie. Its about 2 blocks from here. It's on the right side and you'll definitely know it when you see it." Uh-huh okay. Well, I'm glad that this lady is super nice.

Thanking her, I followed her instructions and sure enough the store is definitely noticeable. The store's name is written in big bold letter COOKIE'S STORE. Huh, that's such an odd name for a store. Cookie. I bet they have lots of different varieties of cookies. Yum. Laughing internally, I am such a comedian, me and my puns are always fun. (//AN// * I apologize for her corniness. It isn't intentional lol)

I wonder if the store smells like cookies. I hope so because that would be awesome. Standing at the front door entrance, I pushed the door and I could hear the bell ringing signaling the arrival of a customer.

Huh. The store looks so small on the outside but its so spacious and big on the inside. What a total illusion. Surprisingly, there's a lot of people in here.

Grabbing a trolley since I have a lot to buy and going from aisle to aisle. Grabbing this and that and finally I'm done. Grocery shopping is so tiring ugh. While I'm on my way to the checkout counter, i see a muscular back. Woah! Hot guy alert.

He has jet black hair and by the looks of it he must be 6 ft tall. What a lucky day for me mahahaha.

Huh, but that's odd he's not wearing any uniform though yet he's stacking cans of food which basically implies he works here coz' you just don't randomly stack cans of food at someone else's store. Must be a rebel or something.

I wonder what his eyes look like. Shrugging and deciding that I just couldn't give two fùcks and be bothered with it. I do what I originally wanted to do.

Taking my phone out and opening my camera and deciding to take a selfie with the hot dude as the background. This may seem like a creepy stalker-ish thing to do but you see, when you see a hot guy, you do not and should not let the opportunity to pass.

I switch my camera to face the front so i could take a selfie with him. Opportunities like this should not be wasted. It's not everyday you see a hot guy at a store.

Snapping bunch of pics of myself with different poses with the hot dude as the background, deciding to take one last pic, the hot dude decided that it was time to turn around. And immediately he saw me.

I saw his eyes, the most gorgeous pair of eyes I've seen, I know I said that about Nathan's eyes but this dude beats him by a looooong shot. See? That's a lot of O's which means I mean it and it's a fact.

"Uh, what are you doing?" The dude asks me as he stares at me. Confusion clear in his eyes.

My eyes widening as I realized I've been caught. Turning to him as I think of believable excuses to say.

He looks at me expectantly.

I gulped.

*cue the "OH SHÍT! vine track*


I hope you enjoyed chapter 3 :)
Thanks for giving my very first work a chance. I promise to update soon. x
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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