Chapter Eleven

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Mystery Writer and her younger cousin, ,who is Deaf and loves the story. I also want to thank everyone who has been helping get this story out there to the community. Thank you so much! I love you all!

Chapter Eleven: A New Student.....or Nightmare

Erik POV

I had been waiting behind Phoebe's mirror, just waiting. Well, waiting for her to come back from a lunch date with Christine and that pathetic fop. So, needless to say that I was beyond angry. I didn't want him to be near either of the girls I admired. Well, I admired Phoebe in a different way... Did I? Yes. Yes, I did. No romantic feelings for that fiery red head at all.

I loved Christine. Only Christine. My brown eyed and dark curly haired angel. Not this
.strong.....stubborn and proud Deaf, ginger woman.

OH LORD! What the hell was I thinking?! is this woman plaguing my mind? Is she some sort of witch that practices dark magic? Why was I so drawn to this girl? Why would I ever think of her more passionately than my beloved Christine?

I brushed off all those overwhelming thoughts and I watched the scene that took place upon Phoebe's return. The young Girl girl left after Phoebe relieved her of duty. Once she got Sorcha to rest again, I opened the mirror.

Phoebe hadn't yet noticed me, so I gently stomped my foot a few times. I observed her reaction as she felt the vibrations in the floor. She still remained calm and collected as she always did during our encounters.

"Hello, Erik. I didn't think you'd be back so soon. What can I do for you?," her bright blue eyes gazed at me softly, but they cut through my very being. They made me feel weak in the knees and made it harder to breathe as my heart raced.

"Uh....yes. You promised you'd have an answer for me? Concerning my offer? What is your answer," My hands began shaking and sweating. I was beyond terrified that she'd turn me down. I had no idea why this mattered so much to me.

"Ah, yes. Considering how I was unable to follow any form of conversation at my meal, I was left with my own thoughts. And I did come to a decision. I will be your new pupil under three conditions."

I smiled a little. I loved how she was standing tall with such certainty of herself," What would those terms be?"

"Number One: You will be teaching me the evil underground lair that I am assuming is at the end of that passage way."

"Well, of course, that was a given. I can't teach you without all my resources. I'd need my piano so that you can feel the distinct vibrations of each different note.....wait! How did you-?"

"Save the questions for the end, strange sewer man," she laughed a little......I loved it. So I just dropped the subject completely,"Number Two: You will dedicate a good portion of each lesson to learn sign language for at least an hour or more. And I know that you are open to that one. So, Number Three: All lessons should be at night after Sorcha's bed time at eight o'clock. And she will be coming with us. I will carry her down to your lair and she will lay on a couch, divan, or whatever is at your disposal."

"I can agree to the first two terms, but I am already hesitant to let you come to my lair. I am not sure about having a small child in my lair."

"You'll get used to the idea if you don't want me to tell the managers that I know where the Phantom is hiding," she smirked and crossed her arms.


"Oh, come on. It's so obvious. The ballet rats never stop prattling on about the Phantom. I can put two and two together. I'm Deaf, not dumb."

Well......I'm screwed.

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