Chapter 1

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🌸Chapter 1🌸

I swiftly glanced down to my feet as I passed him in the crowded hallway. I knew my face had turned extremely pink when I made contact with his beautiful round eyes. Just the thought of his pale blue orbs makes me weak in the knees.

Right as I was about to turn into AP Spanish I felt a large warm hand gently touch my shoulder.

"Caroline." A deep raspy tone softly spoke.

My fingertips went numb, and I could feel anxious butterflies quickly build up in my stomach. His touch was electric, and his voice made me melt.

I took a nervous breath and slowly turned toward him. A crooked smile was plastered upon his face and his thick brown hair gently swooped at his eyebrows. The vague sent of deodorant and cologne pleasantly filled my nose.

"C-Connor" I unintentionally whispered.

"Y-You dropped this." He goofily mocked back.

He placed a rectangular object into my hand and shot me a smile. My eyes dropped down to see what it was that I had previously left behind. It was the book that we're reading in English class. Catcher in the Rye. I looked up to thank him but it was to late.

I instantly remembered his burning contact on my shoulder. I closed my lids and tried to extend the lingering touch on my skin. I stayed there with my eyes tightly closed until the feeling evaporated into the halls of Rocky High.

I was a little more giddy than usual when I entered the Spanish atmosphere, and apparently it was obvious. My best friend Lauren was silently siting in the back, drawing simple flowers on her unfinished homework. I gracefully plopped into my seat next to her, fumbling with multiple vocabulary sheets that had fallen to the floor. I shakily shoved them back into my unorganized binder.

"Uh, are you okay?" She asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm fine." I sharply replied. Strangely, I didn't want her to know about my small encounter with Connor.

"Are you sure? You seem-"

"I said I'm fine!" I harshly interrupted. I was somewhat surprised about how defensive I was becoming.

"God, take a bitch pill." She quietly instructed.

"Sorry. So did you do your homework?" I questioned hoping to change the subject completely. Although I already knew the answer.

"Ehh, I'll just turn it in at the end of class."

For the rest of the morning, my mind was set on instant replay. His mature voice filled my ears as he hotly said my name. I caught myself biting my lip and swooning over his simple touch.

I awoke from my lustful daydreams when the tedious ring sounded through the halls to excuse inattentive students to lunch. I rushed to my locker to try and beat the mob of hungry teenagers. I quickly shoved my binder and book into the crammed shelves then pulled out my sack lunch. I shyly shuffled past the popular crowd into the cafeteria, and found the roomy table where my four friends sat.

Grace was engulfed in a large textbook with her hair pulled in a high pony to keep her long brown cut out of her dark blue eyes. Lauren snickered at Alex's sarcastic remarks, and Audrey started a conversation with me about the importance of self-promotion on Tumblr. I incidentally tuned out the common discussion as my mind wandered back to Connor. I was immediately interrupted with a light shake.

"Did you hear me?" Audrey asked with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Umm, yeah." I dully confirmed. My lies were transparent, and she quickly picked up on it.

She emitted a slight sigh and then asked, "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I replied. She gave me a questionable look as she raised her right eyebrow.

"A guy." I calmly corrected.

"Well, does this guy have a name?" She questioned with a goofy smile that showed of her braces. I didn't intend to tell Audrey about the few words shared between Connor and I. I didn't intend to tell anybody really.

"Connor Evans." I quietly spoke.

"Still?" She sympathetically asked. I could almost sense the pity she felt. "Aww, babe I'm sorry." She cooed, which was followed by a small frown.

"Why? I mean there is no reason to be sorry for liking someone." I curiously asked.

"Yeah, but doesn't it hurt? I mean to see him with that skitch?" She practically snarled looking over at Tammy Maxwell, who was across the cafeteria with Connor. (Tammy was Rocky High's "it girl", a.k.a frigid bitch, a.k.a Connor's girlfriend for the past six months).

"What's skitch." I puzzled, trying to avoid the answer to her previous question.

"A skanky bitch!' she excitedly explained, as if it were the best creation in the entire world.

I laughed as I took a bite of my PB&J on wheat. Although it did hurt to see him with Tammy, maybe I needed a wake up call. Connor and Tammy loved each other. My sensual fantasies of him needed to end, and soon.

🌸Thanks so much for reading guys! This was my first story up on wattpad and I hope you liked it! I plan to update every week to two weeks. Feel free to give advice or feedback! Follow, vote, and comment! Thanks again!!!🌸

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2013 ⏰

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