Chapter Two

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     Sitting in the silence I listen to the drops of rain that hit my window. Its Friday night and I'm sitting at home with nothing better to do. I was suppose to meet Luke and Joey at the coffee shop, but with this rain it wont be possible. Ding. My phone lights up with a text message from Luke. Come outside. Why would Luke want me to go outside in the rain. But whatever. Slipping on my ratty Converses and black hoodie I strutted out the door. Not before walking past my mom past out drunk one the chair. Nothing new to me.

    Outside  I could barely see out line of a car let alone the drive in side. Luke. Of course he'd be the one to pick me up in the middle of down pouring rain. Cue eye rolling. Inside the car the music was blasting so loud I could barely think of what exactly he would want. But from the looks of it; it was something important. His eyes were puffy red and his cheeks had old and new tears running down them. See the thing is Luke swore he would never cry in front of anyone. He said it made feel weak and vulnerable. "He broke up with me." Were the only things said as we rushed to the spot. See within the past few days the bridge has become our spot and Luke had also told me about his boyfriend. Tyler. I didn't really know him, but i did know he could be a jerk. I really didnt know what to say I never conbforted someone before. But before i could even tell him it will be ok he pulled out the driveway and sped down the street.

It was already midnight by the time we got to the bridge. See over the past week the bridge has become a spot to just chill and and talk about what's wrong with life. But honestly what isn't wrong with life.
I'd like to apologize for taking forever to update just a lot of things have been going on in my life. I'd also like to apologize for how short this one is

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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