Chapter 6

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Lunch rush came and Fran and I were the only ones there. The rangers had left for a mission and left us in charge. It was messy and gross but in the end we were successful. When the rangers returned, RJ was no where to be seen. I ran upstairs to see RJ gathering things for a trip.
ME: "Are you going somewhere?"
He looked at me hesitant. I stepped closer. We were inches apart.
ME: "You know RJ, I might be the new girl here but you can tell me anything."
He sighed.
RJ: "It's my animal spirit. Ever since Dai Shi attacked me, it's been out of control. Until I can contain it, I'm a danger to everyone."
Then I did something unexpected. I kissed him. He kissed back but I pulled away.
ME: "I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from."
He nodded.
RJ: "It's ok."
He let out a painful groan and I stepped back, way back. Suddenly RJ changed into the werewolf and attacked me. I fell to the ground with him on top of me.
ME: "RJ stop! You can fight this! I know you can control this. The wolf doesn't control you, you control the wolf!"
He raised his paw up to attack but stopped as if he were trying to fight the urge to attack. I slowly raised my hand and held it to his. Seconds later RJ was back to normal. He got up and helped me up.
RJ: "I did it! I'm back to normal!"
I smiled.
ME: "See, I knew you could do it."
RJ: "Thank you Sky."
I nodded then went back downstairs to the others.

Later that day, RJ became the newest member of the power rangers. The violet wolf ranger. I couldn't be more proud of RJ. Though one thing had bothered me since the kiss. I thought I liked RJ but I didn't feel anything when we kissed. No sparks. No fireworks. Nothing. For some reason, the love was missing from the kiss. It was more supportive for him than anything. Maybe I'm not meant to be with RJ....

A Jungle Fury Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now