Gentle Dancing

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Gentle dancing, nice music, and soft kisses were all Emily needed.

Emily flipped the record player on, filling the room with a low jazz beat. If one were to describe the music, it would be shades of navy and gold, and taste of dark chocolate melting in the mouth, mixed throughly with smooth saxophones.

Her hips swayed to the music gently. Her skirt rustled around her scabby knees, giving the appearance of a pale rose, all wavy lines and smooth edges. Her blouse, once neatly tucked, had come undone.

Madison surveyed this scene with a look of helpless adoration, trying to mask it under her stoic disposition. But the silent words shone through her eyes: 'I really love this amazing woman.'

Emily's hair bounced in curtains of red chardonnay, a thick film sitting on the tongue, rich with life and colour and taste. Madison so itched to get up, and pull Emily to her, to memorize every inch of her body and map it down like a complicated series of clockwork only she could make tick, but she didn't want to disturb the scene, either.

Emily's caramel-coloured eyes had fluttered shut when the music started, leading away to a blank world of bliss. The image imprinted inside her eyelids was of her beautiful partner, grey eyes, parchment coloured hair and all. A small smile turned the corners of her lips.

Madison, acting upon her impulse, stood, taking Emily by the shoulders, bowing her head to connect their lips like they'd been connected so many times.

Emily's lips were just slightly chapped, tasting of peppermint and rosemary, based with the scent of her lavender perfume.

Madison, on the other hand, had the sense of woodsmoke, of leftover dewdrops on the leaves below their feet, of hickory and oak.

Emily broke contact first, pulling her head away, but not her arms, wrapped firmly around Madison's neck. "I love your eyes. I love your lips. I love your hair. I love your voice, I love everything about you, inside and out." She murmured on the hollow of Madison's neck, eliciting shivers and gentle waves of pleasure.

"None of those things are beautiful, Emily." Madison whispered back, curling her fingers in that wine red hair she could never resist. It flickered and wavered like the ember of a flame.

"They are on you. I wish you would just love yourself the way I do, to see how gorgeous and perfect you truly are."

Madison considered this a moment, smiling gently, taking Emily's face in her hands to lift it from her neck. Her lips found their way to her lover's forehead.

"I guess I can try, for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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