Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

I pulled away from the kiss, reluctantly. His eyes were almost completely black now, and I dropped my hand, needing to know what was going on. Anna sighed, “I’ll let you two speak privately.”

Once she left, I took a deep breath and then released all the questions I had pent up within me. “Why do your eyes keep turning black? What are the sparks when we touch? Why do I feel such a pull towards you? When I heard you...growl...why did I feel so...warm inside? Why did you dress me in your clothes when I obviously have my own here? Why did you get me out of the tub instead of just waking me?!” By the end my voice had been raised to a yell. He looked shocked by my many question, and I was shocked as well. When he didn’t answer me, I pushed. “Well?”

He took a deep breath before answering. “My eyes turn black when my wolf pushes to the surface. The sp-“

I cut him off, “Why was your wolf pushing to the surface?”

I could see the black from his pupil bleeding into the white of his eye. “You will not interrupt me, mate.” He growled out, sending a shiver through my body. I wasn’t sure what he had meant when he called me mate, but I didn’t exactly think it was Jacob speaking; but his wolf. He closed his eyes, and clenched his fists by his side. When his eyes opened again, his eyes were back to normal; no black at all. “I am sorry, Aiko. That was my wolf. His name is Asher. To answer the rest of your questions now, he pushes to the surface when he wants something, and right now, he wants you.” I took a breath to speak, but he continued, not letting me talk. “The answer to your other questions, and why he wants you...” He trailed off, looking uncertain of what to say.

“Jacob. Please tell me.”

“You are my mate, Aiko. You are my soul mate, my other half. You were made specifically for me in this world. We are meant to be together.” He raced out quickly, but I caught all his words.

“What does that mean? We’re meant to be together? Romantically?”

He laughed, “In every sense of the word.” His eyes became a little darker then. “The mating process has already begun, kitten. I’ve had a feeling for a while now that you were my mate, and now that I know I was right, I can’t wait for you to be mine.” I felt my eyes grow wide at this, and a slight blush cover my face. “You will be mine, won’t you?” He looked at me, eyes full of hope, wide and shimmering in the light.

I felt light headed. “I need to sit down,” I said, walking to the stairs to sit. “So, I’m your mate. I’m your other half, and you’re mine.” He nods, and I continue. “So, what is this mating process? And before you answer. I want you to answer Jacob, not your wolf. Err, Asher.”

“This will be hard, but I’ll do my best to keep him at bay.” He grabbed my hand, and I went to pull it away, but he spoke up. “It will help me, please." When I didn't pull away he continued. "Thank you. The mating process doesn’t usually take long when your mate is another werewolf, but you are human. I can’t smell any werewolf on you meaning the mating process will take longer considering you are not as strong as our kind. I’ll have to be slower and more gentle. I will not do anything you don’t want me to. This whole process is on you, Kitten.”

“O-Okay,” I stuttered. “What is the process exactly? What all happens?”

He pulled me closer to him, “I’ll need you closer for this explanation, it will be extremely difficult to keep Asher from coming out.” I relaxed and scooted even closer to him, loving the warmth he radiated. “The process first begins when I look you in the eyes for the first time, and my wolf tells me that you’re my mate. Now, if you were a werewolf...Let’s just say, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, and the mating process would most likely be almost over by now.” He smirked down at me, and pulled me onto his lap, so I was straddling him. “The next step, is for me to mark you. The mark will look like a tattoo to humans, but everyone in our world will know that it is a mark, and you are taken. The mark will also blend my scent with yours, so they will also smell that you are taken before even seeing your mark. You will get to mark me as well, but it is optional and you can do it at any time. After the marking, you will have your first shift. Meaning..”

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