Not to me... (Dorenbolt x Lahar) fairy tail

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Summary: Dorenbolt (Mest) is completely ashamed of himself for leaving the fairytail members on Tenrou island for now what's been over six years. He feels as though he could have saved them and starts to do nothing but drink and fight. Lahar comes to his rescue, but is it too late..?

Dorenbolt was sitting in a bar someplace in fiore, that he didn't even remember the name of. He was downing his... 5th or 6th drink he honestly wasn't keeping track. Despite the dizzy groggy feeling that took over his body he kept asking for refill after refill, the bartender hesitantly giving him more.

"Look at this boozehound." A man with his friends laughed from behind him. "What's the matter bum, drowning your sorrows about something? Did your girl leave your sorry ass or something? How pathetic can a guy get?"

"Piss off." Dorenbolt muttered to them.

"What was that pops?" The guy snarled. He then smirked. "You're gonna find out fast that talking like that to this gang will get you into a load of trouble." The guy then grabbed him roughly by the collar of his shirt and yanked him off his stool.

"Hey!" The bartender protested but cowered back when he got some threatening glares.

Dorenbolt quickly shoved his arms away and punched him square in the face. When his buddies went to attack him he used his magic to zip behind them. He was about to hit them to, but someone grabbed his hand from behind.

"That is quite enough." The voice of none other than Lahar, chief of the magic council's custody enforcement unit, said affirmatively.

"Lahar?" Dorenbolt asked in confusion.

"Come on." Lahar sighed dragging him out of the bar.

"What the hell... Are you doing here?" Dorenbolt slurred ripping his wrist away from his friend's grip.

"I was looking for you." Lahar replied crossing his arms. "No one has seen you for days, people were getting worried. What the hell are you going around starting fights at bars for?"

"None of you business." He held out the s for longer than needed. When he tried to walk down the street he stumbled and lost his footing.

Lahar caught the falling man quickly. "My god just how much did you drink Dorenbolt?" He then started to drag him along.

"That's not ma name, it's Mest." He shook his head.


A while later and Lahar was dragging the extremely drunk Dorenbolt into his house, and to the guest room.

"Where are we Lahar?" Dorenbolt asked in confusion.

"Are you really that drunk?" Lahar sighed struggling to hold up the drunken  mess he called his work partner. "We're at my house."

"Oh yeah... Since when did you live in a hospital?" Dorenbolt asked.

Lahar couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "What in the world makes you think we're in a hospital right now?"

"Well the walls are all white." Dorenbolt pointed out with a hint of sass in his slurred tone. "Why did you come looking for me anyway?"

"Like I said, people were worried." He explained sitting him down on the bed. He sat down next to him and took off his jacket throwing it to the side. Seeing as though he was too out of it to get himself ready for bed.

"Tch What people?" He asked. "Who would worry about me?"

Lahar was caught off guard. "Well everyone in the magic council was wondering, but I guess it was mostly..." He paused. "Me."

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