Chapter 1: Matt

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Let me start out by defining college with the best adjectives possible. College is fucking awesome! Well for me it is anyway. I dumped the books and glasses as soon as I stepped foot on campus. No dorm room for me. I walked straight into my frat house and said;

"Bros? Da man is here!" Of course they were a bit confused at first, but the liked me so much they let me in without having to go through any of that lame ass hazing stuff. Man, my room right now is on fleek as shit. Once my other frat bro David (who I was rooming with) graduated, I moved out all his crap and made the room into my kingdom. I didn't just become the monarch of Alpha Chi Alpha, I was the friggin dictator! Of course though, I cannot forget about Lily. Now, I'm not gonna lie. My reaction to first meeting Lily is cliche as fuck, but what I got a few months later one night, was not cliche at all. I met Lily my second day in Alpha Chi Alpha. I was moving some stuff around as she walked in with her "welcoming committee" to say hi to the frats. 

Her brown eyes stared deeply into mine from across the room. Her long brown hair swaying as she walked over to me. The message was clear. She was the popular girl, the girl of every guys dreams. She walked over to me and stood by my chair. I could feel her brown eyes staring into the back of my head, tracing my figure, analyzing every single hair. I turned around, his blue and everything around us seemed to stop. Conversations blurred as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Hey there. Haven't seen you around here before?" She said her eyes crystalizing in the sun. I fumbled with the box I was holding as it slipped to the ground. She giggled as I dashed to pick everything up.

"Well, I'm the new guy round here. As you can see I'm in no shape for this yet," I said panting. She laughed some more while slowly putting her hands on my shoulders. She looked straight at me, into my eyes, peering into my soul. I just tried not to look like a fucking douche. She smirked at me and took one hand off my shoulder. She grabbed a pen and a small piece of paper from the table. She took her hand and the paper and placed it on my chest. Quickly, she wrote something on the paper, put it in my back pocket, and placed the pen back in it's cup. She looked at me again and leaned in real close.

"See you later, stud," she whispered and walked away. Her hips swayed from side to side as she walked out the door. I looked at the paper she put in my pocket and saw on there was a name and a number.

"Lily Monroe. Huh. What an interesting name," I said putting the paper back in my pocket, "Oh Lily Monroe, you have no idea how much fun we're gonna have..."


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