Chapter 3: Matt

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"WHO'S READY TO PARTY!!!!" Peter screams as he grabs the mic from the DJ booth. The pool of our house is mobbed with people. Girls in bikinis rubbing up against boys who have displayed their muscles that will soon disappear due to the freshman 15. They all cheer at the sound of Peter's drunken voice. I laugh along with my buddies who have suddenly surrounded me. Lily is standing next to me moving her hand through my hair; kissing my cheek every few seconds.

"Now I want to say a few things before we make this place crazy," Peter says holding up his drink, "Matt, you've been my buddy since we first moved into this house." The crowd all turns to me as Peter points at me. "Dude ever since freshman year you've led this house to the best of it's times in all of history!" he exclaims. The crowd goes nuts showering me with cheers and applause. I take a bow as Lily stands next to me laughing, taking up all the attention with her small bikini.

"Cheers Peter!" I shout out to him, but he doesn't hear me over all the noise.

"Now, you are our new leader of this house. Though you're only a fucking sophomore you ROCK ASS!!!" He screams into the mic. "NOW LET'S KICK THIS PARTY OFF WITH THE MAN HIMSELF...MATT!!!!" Everyone around the pool goes nuts. That's when I realize how close to the pool I am. The crowd of people behind me kept pushing me closer to the pool. My frat brothers behind me suddenly put down their drinks and lifted me up carrying me closer to the pool.

"3....2....1!!!!" They all shout as they launch me into the pool. I fly through the air and land in the pool with a big splash. Lily shrieks on the shore and tries to avoid the water. The crowd goes nuts as they all start jumping in to the pool.

"Lily!" I shout back to her laughing. She turns around with a cross look on her face. Crossing her arms, Lily begins to walk back towards the gate.

"Lily! Hey lily wait up! What's wrong love?" I ask her. I touch her arm and she pushes me away.

"I'm going home to change. You and your idiot jock friends ruined my perfect beginning of the year outfit. Ugh now it's ruined," she says angrily. Lily stomps off through the gate leaving me there stunned.

"Damn," I say, "I'm dating the bitch of Kappa." I walk back towards the pool where the mass of people has begun to climb out. They all start walking towards the patio on the other side of the house where we set up a dance floor. Only about 30 people remain around the pool. I slip into the pool and hide in the cave area so no one sees me. I sit against the wall relaxing and take a small sip of my drink.

"Eeek!" someone screams. I turn around just in time to see some girl slip off the shore and fall into the pool hitting her head slightly on the pool wall bumper. I put down my drink and swim over to her reaching for the strap of her bathing suit underneath her red hair....

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